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Everything posted by chris_000

  1. chris_000

    Small group?

    Hello! I'm Chris and I was looking for someone to either group with, or maybe a clan I can join. I'm very friendly and I do what benefits the group as a whole. If your interested in grouping or would like to recruit me feel free to PM me or leave a comment. Skype: chrishutch100
  2. Age:15 Experience: Month or two. What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc...: I do what benifits the group. Im loyal and will do whatever is told or deemed fit for me to do. Bio: My strong suits are fucking people up that try and fuck with the group(zombies included). Im great in combat and Im constantly on and extremely loyal. Why would you like to join: DayZ is a fun game, but its even funner with strength and power and as a group you can achieve that.
  3. chris_000

    Small group?

    I can check it out thanks! Il read into this clan more, and I am from US
  4. chris_000

    Small group?

    Do you have a skype or teamspeak? Either works
  5. Hey guys! Im a very helpful and friendly player. I chose to do what benifits the group best! I would love to join a clan!