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Everything posted by nutsfathead23

  1. nutsfathead23

    looking for a clan

    looking for a clan mainly based in the UK/EU preferably adult clan little info about me : age:23 location:uk steam: nutsfathead i have skype and TS3
  2. nutsfathead23

    looking for players (18+)

    looking for some friends to play dayz with. i have mic, skype and ts3 if your interested add me on steam : nutsfathead
  3. nutsfathead23

    looking for a clan

    i have signed up on the site
  4. im looking for a clan. i live in 23 UK i work for Nissan motor company, play the hell out of the mod for year and half so very experienced
  5. nutsfathead23

    looking for players (18+)

    how do i join do i have to register on website or just go on ts
  6. looking for UK players to team up with, my steam name is : nutsfathead
  7. nutsfathead23

    any UK player want to team up (18+)

  8. nutsfathead23

    team up (18+)

    looking to team up to play the standalone my steam name is nutsfathead
  9. nutsfathead23

    need a SA buddy

    im 23 live in the UK and im looking for adult friend or friends 18 or over to play dayz SA with my steam name is nutsfathead
  10. nutsfathead23

    need a SA buddy

    understood <_<
  11. nutsfathead23

    21/UK Player looking for some British chaps!

    ill add you im 23/ uk
  12. Looking for a buddy to play epoch with ( 18 or over please) Little background info. Been playing dayz since Oct 2012 I'm 23 and live in the UK I have skype and ts3
  13. nutsfathead23

    Looking for partner

    Im looking for some one to partner up with on dayz. the perfect person im looking for is someone who is 18 or over (sorry kids) who is UK based and doesnt mind a bit joking around. i dont care if your new to the game or experienced survivor a little bit about myself i have been playing dayz about 4 months im usually on between 8pm-1am im UK based North East England ( Yes A Geordie) im 23 years old i mainly use skype i will have a private hive server up in a few days just waiting for the server host to set it up if anyone is interested leave a comment with your skype name and age.
  14. nutsfathead23

    Looking for partner

  15. nutsfathead23

    Tell me your stupidest death stories...

    yeah we had a good time in that bed lol
  16. nutsfathead23

    looking for a 18+ pilot

    im looking for good pilot to fly about a small team of admins there is added benefits you will be given the weapon of your choice and some other things, but i am an admin who doesnt spawn in food,water,ammo and medical supplies so we have to go out find our own loot like everyone else.just leave a comment below on why i should pick you and the experience you have of flying. i will pm you if your successful.
  17. NuttyButter DayZPanthera - UK Private HIVE(REGULAR) [3DP:ON NP:OFF DM:ON CH:ON][GMT 0] we are looking for more regular players all players are welcome we have an active group of admins we change the map every couple of weeks, server is restarted on regular basis. so if you feel like adventure come along SERVER IP:
  18. we arent a top ranking server but if you want to play on quiet server make a few friends become a bandit, we need some regular players since it get quiet, i have the server set to daytime only the map is on celle plenty of loot find. some if it interests you the server IP: our admins are 18+ and handle things maturely so no random kick or ban if you kill an admin. we the admins player the game the same way as everyone else does