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About Nardieus

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Having a tournament when I am traveling out of the country! Not fair LOL Hope you guys are having a good time!
  2. Good to know we will have that map when I return from vacation :-P Bump!
  3. Good to know we will have that map when I return from vacation :-P Bump!
  4. Awesome clan! Just joined and it has been amazing. Give it a try and join our TS3 server for more info.
  5. Nardieus

    Learning Curve...

    I just go this game and I seem to suck so much...it seems too hard to find items and zombies usually kill me...anyone up to join and lend me a hand? I have TS3 and mumble. THX!
  6. Nardieus

    Im such a noob

    I am in same position as him. Just got the game let me know if you like to tag along I have TS3 and mumble
  7. Hi all, I have been looking for a group that is not full of kids :P if you know what i mean. Do you guys accept new players?