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Everything posted by Spielburg

  1. Spielburg

    Tents after death

    So I figure this forum would be the proper place to ask this, if you die and have a tent, I know that the tent becomes "temporary" and will despawn after a fairly long period. But if you then make it back to your tent and use it and save it, does it restore the tent to being "permanent" as it was before death?
  2. This is just a little story about something fantastic that happened today that I feel we don't see enough of in the game, so sit down children and let me tell you a tale. A friend and I have been surviving alone for now about 6 days, we've hoarded supplies and gathered but through many glitches and weirdness we've lost multiple tents of supplies many times over so we continue to struggle on. And today after rooting around some towns for food since we were almost out, we decided to head north into the notorious North-west airfield. We circled from south to north, my friend climbing a small watchtower while I kept guard from around a wall's corner. After he gave me the all clear I moved in, rooting around a small shack for supplies, nothing exciting within it. Then he calls something I thought we would avoid so far north, "There' movement to the west, human." I slam myself to the floor and try to peek out, but he's gone behind a treeline. I was terrified, this was the first human we'd encountered in 6 days (We're stealthy) and it was in the airfield of all places where all you see in chat is people dieing there. My friend keeps a watchout, looking over the expanse, we chatter a moment over what to do, and talk about backing out, then he cuts me off, "I see him again, he's sprinting....he's being chased. This time I see him, a lone man, I can't tell bandit or otherwise, but he has a train of zombies flowing behind him. Without thought we both say outloud, "We need to help." We call out in chat for him to circle around and come back in the hanger, we run across the field, turning around the hanger walls just in time to see him with at least 40 zombies in tow. We duck in the hanger and watch as the mystery man sprints in with the swarm behind, but they don't slow, the hanger doesn't count as "indoors" Now, we were scared then, we'd been exploring on our way and we were low on ammo, only a few clips to each our names on our main weapons and our handguns with a few mags as well. But we crouch and we begin taking pot shots. Whether because of pressure or sudden luck we started hitting like aces. Headshots and body shots and zig-zagging zombies from meters away, we kept firing for what seemed like forever until finally the horde lay re-dead and our ammo pools lay sunken, our mystery man sitting in the corner, having hid behind us as we took the horde down. We look to our mystery man and ask him if he is alright, he looks to us both and after a moment before giving a simple "Thank you." We asked him how he was on supplies, he was out, his assault rifle having no doubt helped alert even more zombies to his location long before we arrived, even his handgun was dry. My and and I look to each other before my buddy approaches the man and drops his handgun and rounds before him, "Here, take this." is all he says as our mystery friend gives us another thank you and takes the gun. He tells of loot to the south and we decide to travel with him. Though quickly find his approach less stealthy then our own, and quickly end up back in the hanger, another, smaller, horde following us in, about 15-20 zombies this time. Now it's me and my friend with almost no ammo, and our little buddy almost depleted. We bandage each other and him and tell him that we're going to start heading out of the airfield, it's too dangerous for us to stay, and suggest he come with us, but he is certain he can find ammo for his gun south, and so we wish him well and begin sneaking out of the hanger, only to hear a zombie scream. I turn to see our buddy, looting a zombie, with another right behind him. It takes him down in a single hit. I stand and sprint back to him, point blank headshotting the zombie. I kneel and use my last bandage on his body, and use what little of my medical supplies I have left to get him up and running, last epi-pen, morphine. We offer him blood but he declines and thanks us again. And with that we parted ways. This event was horrifying. We escaped with almost no ammo and no real medical supplies. But it felt good, we both were so happy after the event. We made a difference. Now I don't think that I mean to say you should not be wary of others, as we always had our mystery friend in our field of vision, but what I wanted to say through this tale is that in chat I see nothing but ill-will. When really, a little good will can feel infinitely better, and make a difference in someones day. So, stay safe out there survivors, and maybe someday we'll meet up, and if we do, I'll have an epi-pen and bandages ready for you. :)
  3. Spielburg

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    I can't disagree with you more sir, the developers are making games -for - the customers, to please them, to bring in revenue. For instance, Bioware made the call on Mass Effect 3's ending. However because it displeased their customers, they are releasing free DLC to expand and improve the ending. Dragon Age 2 was their call as well, and with DA3 they are listening completely to customer feedback, because, despite it being "their call" to make DA2 the way it was, it was a sensational flop because their calls did not match the expectations of the majorady. I work in game design kind sir. Our job is not to make what we want, our job is to bring to life something to please the customers, nothing more, nothing less. Developers vision does factor in, and that passion is what makes great games, however, the wishes of the majorady, especially on something so minor as aesthetics should be the decision of the player. And in every single other game on the market, it is.
  4. Spielburg

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Have you seen this post by the developer in this very thread? 1. Go to bathroom 2. Check whether you have a penis or a vagina 3. Select gender in game according to results 4. If you have a gender identity disorder' date=' choose whichever one you feel most. [/quote'] I have seen it. And again, you have to cater to the majorady to a certain degree. Try thinking about the majorady, being selfish is not the way success in game design. I bring up my point again, why can I change race, not only when I respawn, but with the same character who hasn't even died, so I could be white, black, asian, etc. all in the same life. (not to mention the zombie faces Which kinda break down the whole "look at your gender" argument to begin with, noones a zombie, but can pick a zombie face) Say a female chooses female, but then, as this forum shows, gets hounded for her gender and feels uncomfortable? Now she is not allowed to change genders to play the game comfortably, she just has to deal with the hounding or quit the game? This is a common issue in many games across the internet, and hence why many women will play as men. Being selfish is not the way to be. Thinking about everyone, every possibility, that is what one should do. My main point is that this should be a character thing, once per character, but it should not be an account based thing to where you get a choice once every 30 dollars. That is it.
  5. Spielburg

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    You are correct, it is standard, but it is standard because the vast majorady prefer having aesthetics left up to them. You like this format? That is fine. But you could choose to play only as one gender. it's not the place of a developer to tell the player how to play if it does not impact the gameplay in any meaningful manner. Tell players to not cheat? Good, developers job. Tell them they can't play with aesthetic features next life? That is not the developers call.
  6. Spielburg

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Hmm, from a design stand point making that gender choice a one time thing per account seems rather silly to me, once per life absolutely, but once per account no, One can reference wow all they please, but then I could say why am I allowed to be white, black, middle eastern, asian, why can I change those? It's an arbitrary thing to say gender should be a one time thing, people should be allowed to choose as they please, to limit the choice in such a specific manner seems rather silly to me. As the designer of the game (it was mentioned this will be a game of it's own in the future) you should not be telling the customer that for their hard earned money you are denying them a simple aesthetic feature. Once per life? Sure. Let someone only make that choice once. But once they die, it should be up to them. A designer should not interfere with the players choices if their choices pose no detriment to the actual game play experience (Which aesthetics most certainly do not). -A fellow game designer