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34 Good

About kalashinkov

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Where you can find A LOT of sand.
  1. kalashinkov

    Most Memorable Moments .

    So, My most memorable moment is waiting for a friend of mine at the ACT in NWAF , when all of the sudden "My stomach grumbles" -.- , which is normal !!?? (I'm not high btw) . Anyways, I proceed to go and pick up a can of spaghetti to quinch my hunger O.o? , and the moment I grab dat thing into my bag , I instantly teleport through the fence and onto the air , where virtual gravity does it's job killing me the moment I touch the ground #Alpha_Fuck_Shit This is my most memorable moment in DayZ, What's yours ?? P.s It doesn't have to be a glitch or a bug . Did I mention I had best gear in the game ? I did ! (All pristine M4, ACOG, Suppressor(which doesn't work BTW FIX DIS SHIT) ^_^ I still love the game !
  2. kalashinkov

    Female zombies

    That is a possibility
  3. kalashinkov

    Never saw it coming

    Thank you all . Very useful tips, <3 all of you .
  4. kalashinkov

    Never saw it coming

    Hey , sup survivors ? I was wondering if I can get any sort of advice on how to defend myself and how to spot people first . Cause I always find myself getting shot without even knowing where that 4.1gram piece of lead came from .
  5. kalashinkov

    Easy come easy go

    People up north are not friendly . On the other hand though , most people on the coast are friendly .
  6. kalashinkov

    The NOOb Squad Badass.

    Hey everybody , I'm looking for people to join my group The NOOb Squad . This is an Arma 3 and DayZ group . I'm looking for friendly and mature people, in the EU time zone, mainly play at the evening, Steam group page please join as most of group's info are there http://steamcommunity.com/groups/thenoobsquadba Thanks for your time .
  7. kalashinkov

    Pistol Holsters and Rifle Slings

    You'll will need a hat , the sun at noon is burning . Please add cowboy hats . Edit : And of course the main weapon , a revolver .
  8. kalashinkov

    Predictions that actually came true

    I predict ak's , lots and lots of them .
  9. kalashinkov


    Fighting the apocalypse with fur......and a cane :D
  10. kalashinkov

    What are you doing to the game we love?

    I disagree with everything you said . I'll give you this, am a bit disappointed about zombies and vehicles not being on initial release(vehicles are not that important anyways) . Zombies however, are . It is a zombie SURVIVAL game . IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE COMPLICATED . Ps . From my point of view , your complains and claims MAKE the game more "arcadey" or whatever . Matt is an experienced dev , even if he doesn't have serious gameplay time as you claim , his experience fills its place . Nothing is perfect, nothing will ever satisfy all you needs , their will always be differences , so stop complaining . Accept the game as its maker wants it to be , or don't buy it . Rocket did say he wont change anything he planned at this time period .
  11. That's the point , I like being a target :D . That's how you get stuff done . I don't hide in bushes :D . Ps: It's just an opinion opened for error . I know am wrong by the way . Human curiosity is way to strong of a force to be ignored . Adventure is what kept Man alive , even though it's just a game , the love of discovering is way too tempting to resist , even if you or anybody, is lazy as me .
  12. I hate to break to you guys, but when the Standalone is finally out , everyone will just be busy playing Battlefield 5 or Call of duty 15 . So everybody chill out . You're talking about the game as if it's on your computer right now . In fact , you talk like you are ALT Tabing between DayZ and The Forums . Who know how long this network bubble thingy is gonna take . And are you ready to walk around cherno with no vehicles . I'm sure Dean wants the best for his game , it's his baby , but Cherno is not small . Imo people will just hang out south till vehicles are finally in(it's an opinion, that's what I'd do) . Am not saying delay the standalone to the time of Battlefield 6 to get the new vehicles in , I think the old vehicle system is not that bad , I'm sure touching rocks and flying into the air can be overlooked , it's sustainable . I mean , would it hurt if the alpha is released with old vehicles . Some people *me* will keep complaining on the forums about it . I'm sure there are bigger issues that vehicles like *co...zombies..ugh* *cou..zig zagging...gh* . ;)
  13. kalashinkov

    One thing about -SA-

    I'm looking forward to the SA itself :P, Other than that , I can't describe how much I want to use the radio . The trolling force is strong :D
  14. kalashinkov

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Whiners are whiners , regardless of the situation at hand .
  15. I have 2 questions to ask any official on this forums, if they know better . Will DayZ mod be supported by ArmA 3 , when it's fully realeased ? Or the SA is the next and final step in the developement of DayZ ? 2nd question ; Is this the right place to ask this question ?