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Everything posted by Cpt.Undead

  1. Cpt.Undead

    Merry Christmas

    Merry fuckin Xmas, bitches!!! Enjoy your rotten fruits ;)
  2. 3rd person makes it difficult to know if other players can see you or not. If you are hiding behind a wall or a car you never know if the guy on the other side can see you. But i still love it because you can see more of the beautiful map ;) For me it's more like a feature than a game breaking issue.
  3. Dear Mr Rocket, Sir. As you know it's my birthday today. But don't panic. I'll be back home at 4 p.m. so it's enough time for you to release my present. Thank you so much. I'm really happy about the surprise. See you somewhere near Cherno.
  4. Cpt.Undead

    Price of the Standalone?

    One word: Kickstarter Version
  5. Cpt.Undead

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Hey guys. I took this long way to page 20 to get it. I don't get it. You are arguing about what? Why is this.....what? Maybe i'm wrong but this is....what? Honestly, don't get it. I'm out! Playing DayZ! B) PS: Dear rocket, where did you get your seals? My dealer is on vacation and mine are all clubbed.
  6. Cpt.Undead

    are hackers still rampant?

    Whitelisted you should be.
  7. Isn't being a mean basterd not a main part of a bandit's life? They are filthy ugly people and they normally don't care about the other "life". They lie, the betray and they kill your daughter's dog if they want to. Honor has gone long time ago. :) That's why i'm a survivor. I would never do this. Killing others while you are under attack is self defense.
  8. Cpt.Undead

    DayZ Mod Update

    Hmm...strange. I was on 2 different servers today. Latest patch. And i always had to wait 90 secs. One was Traviana and the other Chernarus. But that was really not a big deal.
  9. Cpt.Undead

    DayZ Mod Update

    [NEW] - New Load screens added. Did i missed that? [uPDATED] - STR_ITEMWATERBOTTLEBOILED_CODE_DESC - German (Eine Flasche mit abgekochten Wasser) It's "abgekochtem" and not "abgekochten" but not a big deal. :) When i click "escape" an abort-counter starts from 30 -> 0. Is this part of the update or is this server-sided? And 1 sec. is 3 secs. in realtime. 90 secs. for logging out? Is the update only for the default Chernarus map? Because the zombie spawn on Traviana is ugly. The beach was so heavy overcrowded. Nice horryfying feeling :) Some of them were even inside buildings. If it is part of the new spawn type: Good job guys. Good job!!!
  10. Cpt.Undead

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Just a little collage. Don't blame me for breaking some copyrights. This is the apocalypse!! ;)
  11. Cpt.Undead

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Oh yes, Sir!! ;)
  12. Cpt.Undead

    DayZ Mod Update

    Holy Moly!!! Looks awesome!!
  13. Don't need the table. The community devs do a great job. Looking forward to the new patch!! :beans:
  14. Cpt.Undead

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Dont know if someone posted this before but rocket was on a livestream yesterday and talked on skype with a nice girl about the SA. Great job and thx to shannon and rocket for this amazing interview. Nearly TWO hours of Q&A (and a lil bit offtopic :))
  15. Cpt.Undead

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    There is no reason for a crosshair. You have iron sight, red dot, sniper with a zoom etc...So why a crosshair? With only an iron sight a m16 will hit with less acc. from a distance and a m14 with red dot will hit with more acc. If you have a crosshair it would be nearly the same. And if you can reduce hacking by removing it, remove it :) !!!
  16. I was there when Diablo 3 went online. Wow, that were funny 6 hours....til i lost the fun of trying to connect to the main server :) If they limit it in the first days after release it only shows that they have thought about the fact that releasing the hounds with only a few rabbits left is a bad idea. ;)
  17. Sadly my english isn't good enough to say what i wanna say but i'll do my very best. :) When i played DayZ the first time i thought "Wow. Nice game. Nice idea." Then after a couple of weeks in the world of the Zeds i thought "Wow. Really nice game. With so fucking much potential." Atm after all i have read i think "Wow. I'm part of a complete new state of the art. THIS game will have its save place in the book of history. Holy Moly!" I wish you, Mr Rocket ^^, and the rest of your amazing team the very best. 2013 will be YOUR year. :) And now a limerick (Sorry again if my english suckz :)) I looted a town with nothing to eat and all i found was some rotten meat. Then ,Oh Lord, i found some beans. A shot, i'm dead. Fuck! They were Dean's. Damn weed!! <_<
  18. Fact1: The WarZ community is shrinking and they want their money back because the game isn't held what it was promised. Fact2: Rocket announced that the Standalone could be delayed. And the reaction of the community? Have a nice holiday, keep it slow and nice, here is my money. Take whatever you want. This reaction is a result of an amazing team with a great community. The way the devs deal with us is outstanding. So keep on rockin because this game will be a milestone in game development in many ways. !!! Thx to Rocket and the rest of the team !!! PS: Sorry if my english suckz.