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About Solstaden

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  1. Solstaden

    What To Do When You See A Player

    Hello, I'm pretty new to the game and have been let down a few times already by players shouting "friendly!" before they kill you. But I'm all for working together to survive, so I never fire upon anyone if not fired upon. In regards of "hackers", how can you know that someone is a hacker? Except for obvious things like if they respawn next to you and stuff like that.
  2. Solstaden

    Active Swedish DayZ clan

    Halloj, hittade denna tråd nu. Är klanen fortfarande aktiv? Vilken server spelar ni på? Är ganska ny i DayZ och har redan förstått att det blir enklare/roligare om man har några att teama med :)
  3. Tja, hittade denna tråd nu. Började spela DayZ för några dagar sedan. Vilken server är det ni spelar på? (som förhoppningsvis är fri från hackers etc?)
  4. Solstaden


    Thanks guys, I'll try to find some chopper chash-sites now :)
  5. Solstaden

    Mouse2 = forward?

    This actually worked, thanks alot for the help orlok! :)
  6. Solstaden


    Hello, I've been playing this game for a few hours now and I must say it's really fun, but HARD :) I found a list of houses and loot (http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html), but are you able to enter all the houses/buildings/structures on the list that have "possible loot spots"? Whenever I walk around in small towns (not been to Cherno or Elektro yet) there seems to be very few buildings that you can enter.
  7. Solstaden

    Mouse2 = forward?

    Ok thanks! I will check this out when I get home :)
  8. Solstaden

    Mouse2 = forward?

    Ok, HOW? I haven't gotten it to work yet.
  9. Solstaden

    Mouse2 = forward?

    I'm sorry, whats tf2 pyro (EDIT: Team Fortress 2 Pyro I guess)? My config has been the same since I started playing QuakeWorld in ~1996. Shoot = Mouse1 Forward = Mouse2 Strafe left = w Strafe right = e Jump = r Back = space Inverted mouse :)
  10. Solstaden

    Mouse2 = forward?

    Hello! I'm really new to the game and I got stuck at setting up the controls on my PC. It seems I can't bind mouse2 to move forward? Is this a known issue or just me being a noob? :)