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Everything posted by Mossehh

  1. Mossehh

    Banned US 1031

    It's pretty tough for your "Anti-Cheat" system to tell if we are auto-aiming when the developers admit that it doesn't work like that. So before you go out there and recommend an program to kick hackers, you should probably know what it kicks them for. Yeah it is a private server, so you can do what you please. But its almost literally impossible to tell if someone is aimbotting in DayZ, so get real. So before you go off and call my friend, who has only had the game for 2 days, a liar and a hacker learn your Anti-cheat. Before you go and tell him to "Control his childish rage" maybe take a look in the mirror. You seem pretty pissed off in my opinion, no where did he indicate that he was a hacker. You're so angry that you compared a supposed hacker in a video game to a Cheating spouse, thief,and other criminals. LOL listen to that, that doesn't even make any sense. It makes you sound immature. You'll have tons of fun until someone else kills you. Others have chimed in about how it appears that you're angry because you got killed. You keep stating that the server's anti-cheat detected us for Auto-Aim. So how does that happen when Gotcha doesn't detect auto-aim? I played in your server find for an entire day before hand, I was NOT flagged/kicked/banned. Same computer, same settings, same launcher. There were no changes, except who I killed. Before you say that he couldn't find his way out of a lie, how about you go now? Lets take a look at your list, ill cross out the ones that no longer have any meaning because the developers denied your claim. So now that all of the things about auto-aim hacks have been removed , your story has a lot holes in it. You can understand our frustration, but now our frustration is gone. This situation is now kinda humorous. So because a group of players (Who all belong to the same gaming community) play DayZ together they are probably hacking or scripting. Well DayZ is PvP; PvE. So grouping up is not only logical, its pretty common. Grouping up is so common that you were sitting on the Island with 4 or 5 other people.. You were sitting on the island with 3 choppers, all in ghille suits, with coyote backpacks and as50's. So you look more like hackers than we do. The best part is we have as much proof of you hacking, as you do of us. None. There wasn't a lie, also because there wasn't an "Quick Fix" we went and posted on the Anti-Cheat developers' website. So we didn't look for a quick fix, we did what we had to do. Turn's out you were wrong. So i guess I'm the one who can say "Noobs amuse me to no end." I can tell you know nothing about anti-cheat software, or how to use it for that matter, because: - you banned an innocent group of gamers from your server - you also referred to the invisible/nonexistent auto-aim flag as the Auto-Aim Thing. - you also uses the excuse "Well this is our server, we can do what we want." So GG for that. You wouldn't know auto aim if i shot your Noob ass running on the shoreline from the Northwest Airfield. So please don't comment on how i couldn't control my rage because I'm pretty calm. I will say that I kept my composure better than my two comrades. But Hey, who the hell cares. Its your server.
  2. Mossehh

    Banned US 1031

    Hi, I'm not going to come on here and call these admins liars or whatever. I've been playing on this server the last two times I've played and really enjoyed myself. Today I hoped on with Yakov and another friend when i spotted a PBX in the water. As the 3 of us sat in the PBX we saw a chopper head over us, so we decided to check out the Island with the chopper spawns hoping there would be one there. When we got there the chopper followed us. It was in air hovering above us, we took a bunch of shots at it, The Chopper then landed and an AS50 took a shot at my friend, Then a Gun fight ensued, At the end of the firefight I was the only one left alive, We killed i think 4 or 5 people and my two friends died. I ran over to one guy i killed and looted his stuff (I grabbed his G36c and his backpack). I then hopped in the helicopter which i had never flown before was guided by my friends on how to fly, as i started to get the hang of it I was Kicked. I then rejoined and was admin banned for hack #37 i believe. As I sat kinda speechless my friends asked what happened.. They said I was "flagged" by the servers anti-cheat for Auto-aim. So like anyone who was banned from a server that they like i attempted to rejoin, but for some reason my attempt was successful. When I arrived back into the server I saw my two friends get banned by Admin for "Auto-Aim" I then asked questions and was Admin banned for "Hacker" Originally i thought i was banned for the G36c i picked up because I've never seen them around But as of now I'm not so sure, I'm pretty sure the people we killed were admins. Im not calling you out, but Sihte I know I killed you and the other admin (Who's name was like Kasvoks or something). I played with you last night or the night before, whenever i last played i wasn't flagged or banned. We had another friend join to ask what happened and as soon as he asked he was kicked. I'm an admin in a Counter-Strike: Source server and i know you have a job to do, but if you could consider removing the bans it would be greatly appreciated. I mean I enjoyed your server enough to create a forum account on here and post for an unban. I'll say "Hey, we don't hack." But there is no way for us to prove we don't. I'm unaware of how your Anti-cheat works, but I can tell you that it is picking something up that isn't cheats and saying that is cheats. Regardless if this Unban is successful or not, Thank you for your time. Chris.
  3. Mossehh

    Banned US 1031

    Thanks for your quick response. I'm not really sure how/why we are getting flagged, but its cool. Yeah, i understand that script kiddies like to run in packs. I've been in servers where they've completely taken over. I can assure you that's not what we are, we are just a group of guys who roll out together. It just happens like that. So i'll be making a post on Gotcha's forum, thanks for the info!