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About Kasel2

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I just learned this the hard way... i was in a hurry last time i looged off DZ (i was running late and had people knocking my door really angry). so i just dcded at the rooftop of the firestation at cherno. Now i know it is no a wise spot to DC or hang for long, but its a server taht usually has less than 10 people playing at the hours i play so i just waited until there were like 3 online and jumped in ready to continue my raid... I found myself in a pitch dark night, raining and since i have low graphs settings i didnt see much... how it ended? i took a step to the right and died... took me 15 minutes to realize i was actually on top of the fire station and not around it as i tought... just tought you may find funny how i died for the fourth or fifth time...
  2. i don't really midn having low garphs... i just want to have a decent fps rate avoiding the entire pc change (i'm still asving up for the motherboard, but i could add a new graphscard in the meantime or get an extra ram lended)
  3. In that case which part needs to be improved? ram? core? graphs card?
  4. well, i bough arma II on a sale reently, and the first thing i did was installing day-< (i didnt try thea ctual game yet, only the demo and i liked it, i guess someday i will play arma missions). i have all graphics on low, and still i lag A LOT, it goes down to really laggy fps. My actual pc is: Nvidia GT220 512mb GDDR3 PhenomII x2 3.11ghz 2gb ram ddr2 windows xp on a 500gb HD I'm wondering, if it's my pc what should i add? more ram, a better graphs card? (i could get a 1gb GDDR5). or is it any cfg problem? thanks for reading and for any help you bring to this matter!
  5. Kasel2

    Stand alone vs arma II question.

    I'll buy it if i don't see any other game i really want. if i even make it in time *bank is not giving me the money yet ._.*
  6. Kasel2

    Stand alone vs arma II question.

    i have only 50usd at this moment, and they will be all the money i have on my card *soon on steam* for this month... and half of january. i've tried the free version and i liked... i don't play that much of military sims, but i like shooters in general. i was thinking, since i don't get money in my account that often. should i wait until the stand alone? will it be long? i don't want to buy the game for just a few months of nejoyment, then have to buy another game...
  7. I'm thikning at buying Arma II. i like the game, but my rush is to play Dayz more than the actual game. should i wait to the stand alone? will it be a game like arma II or a F2P? mostly that... should i wait? or rush iwth the holidays sale?