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About KevinMO91

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. KevinMO91

    Upgrade graphics card or CPU?

    Or save like $200 and run 2 7970's in cross fire and use the left overcash to upgrade to a i5-2500 And overclock it? Considering if we are taking into account the op's setup, and I know for a fact he couldn't handle SLI or Crossfire on his current CPU without it bottlenecking, and also considering how resolution his GPU is fine. It's really his CPU that's bottlenecking him in this case
  2. KevinMO91

    Computer spec, can I run DayZ

    You should have no problem being able to run the game
  3. KevinMO91

    is this an OK processor for this game?

    You don't have to buy a "new" computer I'm new here, but I just built a custom AMD gaming desktop for $1275 exact (yes I'm a AMD fanboy) all you need is a motherboard and processor, along with some since your computer sounds like it's from the Stone Age. I would intel or AMD gets the job done, some argue Intel "iz teh best" but I got my motherboard for $105 and an AMD 8320 for $180 total that was $285 which is what it would cost for a decent intel CPU (some will argue power usage and costs) but to answer your question I would look on new egg for a motherboard and CPU and ram, total it should cost you $350-500, they have motherboard cpu combo's if your on a budget and ram is pretty cheap and depending on your Operating system you may not be able to handle more then 4-8gigs. If you need help just message me.