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Everything posted by scavenger877

  1. I am 17 I play dayz pretty often, this wont be a serious thing so i can get on and have fun with some people, and gain some experience from it. i normally survive around 1-2 weeks normally because i get bored and do stupid stuff, example suicide bomb people with helis or blow stuff up with me inside them, jump off brides, stupid things i want to start getting a bit more into hardcore ish survival/hero play kind of like frankieonpc but i would like someone to accompany me, i have a skype and a mic, any takers bambi and all. i have started a few bambi helping groups on smaller servers, which are gone now. but we stashed tents pretty much every where with starting gear to give toy bambies.
  2. scavenger877

    .::Looking for friends::.

    im 17 and i play as often as i can longest servive time is probably 2 weeks not long i know, still looking for advice and a few people to play with, to help me out. considering the rarity of finding players in game! again 17 a little under your age limit.