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Jampa (DayZ)

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About Jampa (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Not Telling
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    STeam name : GOD
  1. Jampa (DayZ)

    Any one looking to play with a newb?

    just got skype its Eurin8
  2. Jampa (DayZ)

    Any one looking to play with a newb?

    God, Email is Jampa13@hotmail.com
  3. Jampa (DayZ)

    Any one looking to play with a newb?

    im on now, but i have no skype, and i have no idea how i can get in contact with you otherwise.
  4. just got the game this morning, i keep dying, or getting to scared to play. i just want to go kill some zombies..
  5. born on a leap year, but im 24. Logic that. The other requ are aye o okay Steam is Jampa13@hotmail.com