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About PandaSwag

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. PandaSwag

    Special Response Team [Open Recruitment]

    I question how I do it myself ;P but I will do my best to come on
  2. PandaSwag

    Special Response Team [Open Recruitment]

    Age: 18 How long have you played DayZ: 6-7 months Why do you Want to join SRT: I want to survive with a group who loves Day Z and takes it seriously What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): I'm a decent marksman and Recon Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you accept these rules?: Yes Do you have a working mic?: Yes Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: I have and I'm called Jan or Zelo or Tao What timezone do you live in: GMT +0 What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): Great Britain What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: I'm free most of the time, it also depends if something pops up. Although I do have college but I usually study and I don't mind sacrificing a few hours to play. So I'm available usually 5pm - 9pm(Week days) (Week ends All day)
  3. Age: 16 Ign: Thunder Skype?: jan.villaruel1 <--- you already have me added :P Do you have a mic?: Yes what can you bring to the squad? I played Day for about 5 months, I'm a cheery guy and fun and help :)