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HeinzGurke (DayZ)

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About HeinzGurke (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. HeinzGurke (DayZ)

    How can we make DayZ more unforgiving/brutal/fun?

    So what I learned in TV about zombi science is, that the most dangerous issue with them is to get bitten and than turned into one of them. So this would make your lifetime expectation very low but with a smart idea for a mechanic like maybe a cure if you are bitten not long ago or something else i don't know. Maybe some of you have a good idea but for sure i would like to see the fear of zombis ramped up.
  2. HeinzGurke (DayZ)

    Zombi spawn inside buildings / houses

  3. HeinzGurke (DayZ)

    A simple solution to identifying bandits post 1.5.9.

    I see no need to give an indicator how many people you killed over all your playtime. It would hurt people who want play different characters from time to time. One day you are killing no matter what and on another be polite as a care bear. farthest i would go is to give the bandit the choice to wear a different skin or not or lets have him dragging a barrow with all the heads of the people he killed to show how bad ass he is.
  4. HeinzGurke (DayZ)

    Zombi spawn inside buildings / houses

    hmm, your right but zombis are not the brightest fellows on earth, so they wander around like a fly or cockroaches with no sense of direction untill they spot some yummy surviver. So i think there would be at least a few of them walking back into a building.
  5. I would like to see zombis spawning inside the buildings. It is hard to sneak around zombis inside a building. This would create situation where you have no choice and give away your position and shoot the zombi in order to get to the loot unless you have a crossbow. I think it should be a randomized spawn so you could not be sure if a zombi is in the house. This fits right in the reality of a zombi apocalypse, people used to live in houses so zombis would be there. There is a script out there for spawning patrols inside buildings for the chernarus map but i couldn't find it (i will add a link, if i stumble across it). lets hear what you folks think of that or if it is complete rubbish ^^ apology's if the topic is already out there ... i couldn't find it