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Posts posted by XFan

  1. I think if you are new comer to the game and already choosing to dull it down to learn, then you will never learn to deal with ALL the risks a vanilla server has (not talking about hackers). Taking some risky elements out of this game only breeds pussy players.

    Of course, I played on a vanilla server for now. I stayed alive 20 minutes, found a gun.. but got killed by campers that wait for people to show up at hospital or supermarkets... if you want to fully explore the game and try everything as building a camp or repairing a full vehicles, you'll have a hard time to do it on a vanilla with clans and noob campers that are just there to shoot people for fun. That's just what I'm saying. But yes, bandits are alot part of the fun on this game. Having to watch your ass all the time and not only in zombies areas. I guess playing on both could be fun. I'll probably join a fiendly just to enjoy those things I'll probably never reach on a normal server. But it's far more challenging to play vanilla. ^^
    • Like 1

  2. Hello everybody!

    I'm new around, just installed the DayZ mod and now I'm trying to find a server I could play on with my friends. All I need is north american server with admins taking care of hackers or whitelist or anything like that. Just so we can keep playing without being killed all the time by noob cheaters! But I don't want a server where we start with guns and tons of supplies. We want something real survival with fair/nice players. No need of a friendly servers. Pvp is awesome. Just please, no spawn camping or noob things like that! Eheheh.

    Time to improve survivng skills! Thanks for your help peepz!

  3. Hello,

    I'm looking for the same kind of servers.

    North American server that take care of hackers. And I'm a new comer. So a place I would not be spawn camped and I could try to learn playing and having fun. And a server that keep things real. Don't want a servers when you start with a gun or things like that. Real survival plz! Anyway, I plan to die fast ahahah! :P
