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Razor (DayZ)

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About Razor (DayZ)

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    oh shit where am i why is sun so bright and the ocean so loud
  1. Razor (DayZ)

    Car Keys and Persistent vehicles

    Some exploration?! Besides there is the same problem as with server-hopping tents - spawning into another object/player.
  2. Razor (DayZ)


    Doesn't affect gameplay that much to rush in tbh. That pouch model is used for many items.
  3. Razor (DayZ)

    Server Name In-Game

    Hosts could place scripts to answer that question. I am pretty sure 90% sentences with "server" and "?" in it should be replied with "%servername%".
  4. Razor (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Here is the problem. It would have to emulate your character somehow as you are not present.
  5. Razor (DayZ)

    Disconnections and bandits (2 in 1 suggestion)

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8029 Also 2 in 1 usually means a single solution for two problems.
  6. Razor (DayZ)

    We need a ingame friend list

    Why clog the game with unneeded functions that in no way influence the gameplay? With the introduction of direct chat you'll be able to communicate with those near you and hook up via any of dozens third party friend systems.
  7. Razor (DayZ)

    Player Spawning Protection/Delaying

    That's a bug you are talking about. I am sure it is being looked in. Alternatively you can report it and get your gear back.
  8. Razor (DayZ)

    [Suggestion] Show playername overlay if friends

    There are servers which have it turned on. But it sure needs some tweaking to only display those near you.
  9. Razor (DayZ)

    Player Spawning Protection/Delaying

    I don't see any problem with dying at a spawn since i didn't achieve anything anyway. Not that i was ever killed at a spawn. Although i see little point in spawncamping if you can just fire up singleplayer. If you logged off in a dangerous area it's your own fault.
  10. Razor (DayZ)

    Choose where to spawn

    Some spawn zones would still be more convenient than others. This was discussed hundreds of times over. The short answer is no.
  11. Razor (DayZ)

    Subtleties of interaction. How about this?

    Where i come from we judge people by their actions. Simulating that in Day Z is shooting at you or not. And you still never know what a person will do. Basically what you want is holstering weapon which was already suggested.
  12. Razor (DayZ)

