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About IMrHollyWoodI

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. IMrHollyWoodI

    Looking for active squad based in UK.

    haha can never have enough :beans:, what's your steam id? i'll add you
  2. Name:Dane Age:20 Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:dane_hill Mic?:yes Experience in game:limited Timezone:GMT Bio: Always be a hero. In game Name:Castiel
  3. I'm 20 years old and have limited experience with dayz but I find myself becoming addicted. As you may know playing lone wolf when you are a bambi can get extremely tiring, due to the large amount of bandits that just shoot an unarmed player on sight. I would love being able to play with an active squad but most seem to be based in the US, so if there are any based in the UK get back to me.