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Everything posted by Smokey83

  1. Hi,I've posted a few times now asking for people to play with and I've had success .now I'm after a decent private hive server(I'm uk based)to make a long term home with a guy I've been playin with.i asked this before and joined a white listed one but it's teamspeak and I don't have that .we use Skype to communicate and that suits us.so if anyone can point us in the direction of a well looked after fair playing server then please let me know.thanks
  2. Smokey83

    A long term server.

    Cheers pal.i went and posted last night in your proper thread .cheers pal.
  3. Name:smokey83 Location:uk Guid:510b7845c1733f15ba7f18bf9d618556
  4. Smokey83

    A long term server.

    I'll give your server ago panda if you don't mind.i play with another ill get him to join but he won't be on while next week now. Name:smokey83 Location.uk Guid:510b7845c1733f15ba7f18bf9d618556
  5. Smokey83

    A long term server.

    Thanks for that guys.can I join servers and not use teamspeak or is that frowned upon.im a complete noob to pc gaming and stuff so don't know much bout it.i can use Skype with ease and it works great.i use dayZ direct chat if I bump into anyone in game so didnt seem the need for teamspeak .
  6. I work in the day so don't go on it .
  7. I play most nights after 9pm I'm afraid .weekends I play untill the early hrs.if you do play later give us a shout on Skype :smokey010113.
  8. Well I play most nights after 9pm .we are new to it aswell only had it a couple of weeks.im uk based aswell.
  9. Alright pal me and another guy from here have been playing together for a couple of days.im 29 years old and the other guy a bit older, so mature. I think you should be ok to join us if you want.how often do you play?
  10. Hi.ive been playing for a few weeks now and only played a couple of times with someone.i keep needing help so having a regular buddy would be good.at the minute I need a blood transfusion ,I've got the blood bag.im not a bandit and I've not ever tried killing someone .i like to play like a guardian angle,shooting zombies round other survivors to help them out.im uk based and play most nights after 9pm and im 29 so someone mature would be best.but I'm on right now due day off work.
  11. Smokey83

    Need someone to play with.

    Sounds good mate.my Skype is smokey010113.give us a shout when your ready.cheers
  12. Smokey83

    Looking for people to play with

    Add me if you want but I'm uk based.i play after 9 pm uk time most nights.skype:smokey010113
  13. Hi ,I've posted here a few times over the past week.im a new dayZ player(been playing f
  14. Smokey83

    Looking for a good uk private hive

    Hi wireworld sounds spot on.ill go through everything now.i don't have teamspeak tho and I'm a noob pc gamer and dayZ .
  15. Hi,I've not had a message yet to let me know if I can join or not
  16. Name.smokey83 Location:uk Guid:510b7845c1733f15ba7f18bf9d618556
  17. Hi ,this sounds good .am I ok to join
  18. Anyone wanna team up .im online now,I'm a noob and just starting out .better playing with others .ive got Skype :smokey010113
  19. Smokey83

    Wanna join up anyone.

    I'm in uk by the way.
  20. Smokey83

    New Player Looking For Group/Partner

    What's your skype
  21. Smokey83

    Looking for people to play with!

    I'll be on in a couple hours.im just outside of a industrial town .no clue which one not got a map.when I log back in I'll let u know.
  22. Hi pal,I'm a total noob but quick learner.ive got a few supplies (medical)but not much in guns and ammo.but if you wanna team up for a session .my Skype is :smokey010113
  23. Smokey83

    Looking for people to play with!

    Yep, my Skype is:smokey010113
  24. Smokey83

    Looking for people to play with!

    I'll be on later mate if you wanna team up.im a complete noob myself but it's better playing with someone else even if you dont know what your doing either.