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About OneNineSe7en

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  1. OneNineSe7en

    White Listed Server List

    Hey guys, Does anyone have a current list of good White Listed servers? Im looking for a new home and am tired of hackers.....I have tried BalotaBuddies US 46 server but it always seems to be night time on that server during US Peak Playing hours, I even tried contacting their admin asking about this but no responses either time I pm'ed him on thier website.....ready for something new. -OneNineSe7en
  2. OneNineSe7en

    Vehicles, how long.....

    Awesome, Thanks!
  3. OneNineSe7en

    Vehicles, how long.....

    I found a vehicle, I loaded all my stuff in it, parked it in the woods......how long will it stay with me? Is it like a tent? Will it be there after a server restart or death? Thanks -OneNIneSe7en
  4. OneNineSe7en

    A very intense night of survival

    That's exactly what he is telling you below is a link to how blood works on DayZ plus what items will restore blood and at what rate. In the course of hunting for food, you will need the following items to successfully hunt, cook and eat the food: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Blood Gun - Kill animal Hunitng Knife - Gut Animal Hatchet - Chop Wood Pile (unless you already have one) Box of Matches - Light Fire Raw Meat - (from gutted animal) Boom, dinner served!!
  5. OneNineSe7en

    A very intense night of survival

    Awesome, I felt like I was reading a book....nice work! I wish I was at home playing!!!
  6. OneNineSe7en

    Map Questions

    Thanks guys, now what are all the ways you can interact with tha map, I just found out about double clicking to mark a location and shift + left click to set waypoints, any others that are useful?
  7. OneNineSe7en

    Map Questions

    Are there servers where even when you do have GPS you DON'T see the blue dot? Or is there a way to enable it once you do have GPS?
  8. OneNineSe7en

    Map Questions

    So what's up with the mapping system, sometimes I can see my location on the map via a blue dot and sometimes I cannot. Is this a specific server setting. Also I know there are ways to interact with the map (ie:..double click, shift left click ect...) is there a website or a thread that shows what you can all do with the map? Thanks -OneNineSe7en
  9. OneNineSe7en

    A few questions.

    Hey Tony, Here is a link to useful threads you might find helpful as a new player: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/ Here is a link specifically to key bindings, including chat : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4751-guide-keybindings-tips-for-new-players/ Hope you find this helpful! -OneNineSe7en
  10. OneNineSe7en

    Install Question

    Thanks everyone! The info is much appreciated....
  11. OneNineSe7en

    Install Question

    Hey guys, I have DayZ installed and it seems to be working fine, I used the Six Luancher to complete this. Here is my question....What is the Dayz Commander, do I need it? Can I just install it with my current configuration or will that mess up my current working install? Also what are the main differeneces and perks to DayZ Commander vs Six Launcher? Thanks in advance -OneNineSe7en
  12. OneNineSe7en

    What's the best way to find friends?

    Hey, I have registered and signed up at Balotabuddies.net, currently in the forums. Thanks -OneNineSe7en
  13. OneNineSe7en

    What's the best way to find friends?

    Mr. Nasty Thanks M8! Now lets get back to your link...you said whitelisted servers? :)
  14. OneNineSe7en

    What's the best way to find friends?

    That's all good, will look into it, but how does this help me locate my friends once inside the game?
  15. OneNineSe7en

    ArmA 2 and DayZ Lags Just Now

    Getting more Ram would probbaly help a little, 2GB is barely enough to run Win 7, let alone DayZ/Arma along with it...