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About ansonh92

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Talking about strange luck you have there. So, what did you found in all 3?
  2. ansonh92

    Tips for a newbie???

    The very first thing that you should do is get off the Bean Coast (Should be Flashlight Coast by now). Now, there is three ways. First way : has few friends with you and search for weapons in villages and barns not cities. (Do this if you have friends.) Second way : go prone and search every single barn for rifle. (Do this if you want to be a lonewolf regardless of friends or not.) Third way : ask a stranger to help you (not to mention that stranger may kill you). After the stranger helps you, you can either : (1) shoot the stranger and take his loot (2) ask to join him (3) become lonewolf (4) go gunblazing in cities.
  3. ansonh92

    obvious hacker squad is obvious

    I don't see a single problem. Moving on.
  4. ansonh92

    [Video] The Facepalm Respawn

    lol. My friend did once by mistake, too.
  5. ansonh92

    Double rainbow in DayZ!

    O_O -_- O_O
  6. ansonh92

    Load Patients!

    Oh, I never know that. o.o
  7. ansonh92

    Load Patients!

    Look more like a zombie... O_o
  8. @ 2:08 - We just spawn on a bench.
  9. ansonh92

    Double Helicopter oh my

    Lucky~~~ Last time, I found a crashed helicopter, and it has nothing around it (obviously, someone found it before me).
  10. ansonh92

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Yes! New melee weapons!
  11. ansonh92

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Wait, there is a nerf on prone? But, I didn't noticed it...
  12. ansonh92

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I am not sure if this is a bug. I found this double-barreled shotgun in cafe while I was carrying shotgun rounds for DB(Double-barreled), so I pick up the shotgun and found out my entire shotgun rounds were on the ground.
  13. ansonh92

    The Life Expectancy guessing thread

    Down to 25 on first few days then back to 30 on second week. Learning from mistakes, you know.