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Everything posted by HazDayZ

  1. Hey guys i am looking for good sniping spots in elektro and cherno so i could kill a few people and get some stuff and maybe a vehicle. If you can show me on a map that would be great!
  2. Name: Haz Age: 13 Skype Name (PC Only): OneMinecraftMan (Super Old Account) Steam Name (PC Only): OneMinecraftMan (Super Old Account again) Gamertag (Xbox 360 Only): Dont Have an Xbox Why You Want To Join?: Because i hate being on my own and getting shot at and getting lured into traps and i fell quite alone What Games Do You Have?: Arma 2 (Obvious), Team fortress 2, Deus Ex, MW2. (Getting Some new games soon) Country Of Residence: United Kingdom Trade(s): Driver Or Chef Or both
  3. HazDayZ

    New Server Looking for players

    He aint replied to any of us and hes been online a few times since i messaged him :P Edit: Never mind he responded
  4. HazDayZ

    Newbie [NEED HELP]

    I Would like to help you understand the game my Skype name is: OneMinecraftMan Or if you cant find me that way use my e-mail: HyperCookieHD@rocketmail.com Or: hazbomb42@live.co.uk
  5. HazDayZ

    New Server Looking for players

    I've PM'ed you check your inbox