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About Hologhost

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  1. Hi there The Valkyries just re-opend our Epoch server come and check it out. (fresh start for all) We got missions with Ai. We got fallen city (AI patroled city with good loot), we got towing/lifting (so now you can actually say YES I LIFT) you got the Salvage parts. Self bloodbag and Custom buildings All over. ALL we need from you is a nice attitude and the will to be more than just another player-id in a big Database full of numbers. come join us. ! www.valkyriies.enjin.com IP : The Valkyries.
  2. bump for the missing dayz+ heli crashes ? any idea on whats wrong or how to fix it ?
  3. but then what about the missing heli crashes any eta on a possible fix <---- running Dayz+ (tho it kinda makes it easy to spot hackers)
  4. So what about the missing heli crashes, carepackages and wrecks for Dayz+ ? is there any eta on a possible fix for that.
  5. i just want the ambulance not the heal ability ;)
  6. First of all : Paintjobs. idea is this: add a new toolmenu but smaller. one with like 10 slots. then around construction sites and so u can find spray cans with random color spray only the normal like blue, white red and so on. but you can mix them later on. then when u have lets say a blue and a white spray can. Then u go to your car. u scroll and an option appears. Spray! then a small menu will open where u can choose what pattern to spray. what color to choose and if you want to mix the blue and white a bit so u can add more colors by mixing. a feature like add logo or small image to the vehicle aswell. basicly costumize the look of the vehicles them selves.maybe u even have to find the patterns ingame as the spraycans. another feature could be spray painting tags on walls and such. Secound extra ingame items. 1. candy bars. ;) snickers and mars and such. 2. hotwire kit for stealing cars ? and keys for driving a car normaly. Vehicles: Taxi, ambulance. Firetruck. motorbike with a sideseat. a Heli with A redcross symbol. with no guns. These features could be cool. as well as adding a flag or something with ur logo on it without having to use the arma2 editor and actually have ur own logo ingame. fairly easy as a ingame feature.
  7. Clan Valkyries www.Valkyriess.enjin.com Come join us at Friendlies and bandits Pirates and Pilots. Come join the fun !
  8. Hologhost

    DayZ Taviana.com 2.0 Release!

    So where is the class names for all these new vehicles i can only spot 1 new truck in my spawnlist and the classnames from arma 2 dont work. is there a way to find these class ids somewhere that actually work=