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Everything posted by trocan

  1. New server with active admins and starting loadout. Custom loadouts available. 3d person enabled, no nametags/nameplates, starting compass, weapon and sidearm. Currently side-chat enabled and 24/7 daylight. 200+ vehicles and helicopters/biplanes enabled. Revamped Northeast Airfield, and other custom building locations as well. Visit our facebook page at http://www.facebook....dPoundersGaming Connect via dayz commander or in arma2 by searching for GroundPoundersGaming or connect via IP. Server IP/port There is a bug with the server host that shows the server as a "version mismatch" in dayzcommander, and it's greyed out. Ignore this, as the server is perfectly fine and joinable. You may need to uncheck "hide wrong arma2 version" in DayZCommander to find the server until this is corrected.
  2. Our server is daytime only server with 200+ vehicles. 3p on, NT off. Side chat is currently enabled. Please join us on our server, simply search DayZCommander or in Arma 2 for GroundPoundersGaming
  3. trocan


    Anyone else's eyes bleeding from trying to read this?
  4. trocan

    US79 TX3 Server is Passworded

    Ive been playing on it for the last week, he passworded it last night for all of 10 ten minutes because the server was messing up real bad... as for it being locked, it seems to do that randomly, just keep hitting "connect" and it let's u in, seems like it's a bug of some sort.
  5. trocan

    US79 entire server killed.

    Verified, on the server, took a screen cap. Player "Klark" was killed...less than 30 seconds later, whole server was killed... when then another minute, it happened again, but this time, at the very end of the kill list, "Klark" was killed by "Klark" as is evidenced there. Not here to start a witch hunt, but....that seems a bit telling... Time was 8:40-8:45pm EST US Image is here [attachment=1196]Figured it out
  6. trocan

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    The five second disconnection delay is a step in the right direction, as a temporary measure. Myself and a few friends were discussing what the best solution would be, and we came up with this: 1. If you lose connection to the server in any way, your character remains in the game world, unable to agro NEW zombies and able to be hurt by already agro zombies, bleeding, and other players. 2. If you disconnect while in safety, your character remains ingame for 20 seconds. 3. If you disconnect while you're in shock, your character remains ingame until shock disappears (5mins max). 4. Temporary ban from all servers after each disconnection, lasting the length of time your character remains in that server. I really like all of these ideas...I was about to dispute the temporary ban, but it actually makes sense; since your character is already on one server, can't join another. Though I think the "shock" issue would be a bit much, I'd say let the character log out in shock after a DC (honestly I think 30 seconds flat is plenty for a DC under any circumstance, with DC characters being unable to aggro new zombies, but under effects of everything else) If a character logged out during shock, then they log back in with shock remaining, much like it already is.
  7. trocan

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    (Today 06:48 AM)WalkerDown Wrote: Rember this is 5 seconds *without* the user control.. no game does this Umm, ever played Eve online? This mod is ALOT like that in many ways - except the DC to avoid death was handled by having your character stick around for TWO MINUTES without user control. How's that for harsh? And that game is still kicking strong.
  8. bug - no bicycles fix- add bicycles i mean, its 220km.... i can find and repair a chopper, but i cant find a working huffy? :-)
  9. Happened on Chicago 10 last night
  10. trocan

    My Rant: Why I am Done with the Game.

    "Man, these "this isn't CoD/BF3" responses are really getting old. Have people never played CoD/BF3? What the OP is describing is nothing like them. In CoD/BF3, you do shoot everyone on sight. You don't try and make friends with people. You expect there to be camping snipers who are going to peg your ass" If you had actually read what I posted, as well as the OP, you would have noted he specifically mentioned BF3 as more rewarding, and listed his reasons why. He also never once acknowledged the fact that it is in ALPHA state, leading me to believe he doesn't realize this fact.... He only states "why I'm done with this game".... And "I'm leaving this game" etc.... well, game implies a finished product in his context, I'm pointing out that it most certainly is not.
  11. trocan

    My Rant: Why I am Done with the Game.

    I'm sure someone's already said this but.... Guess what... It's an Alpha. If you don't know what that means, perhaps you should google it? This game is/will be intended for those who DON'T want to play bf3 and cod crap that has ruined the gaming industry. It's trying to NOT be WoW. We don't NEED achievements to pay us on the back and make up for a decided "lack of parenting", coddling us with rewards to make us feel good about ourselves when we figure out how to turn on a flashlight. That's stupid. Why the HELL do you need achievements or rewards? You know what my reward is? The satisfaction of hunting down human prey like you and spawning you back on the beach. Can't take it? Go play something else. And before you say I'm a bandit....no, I'm a survivor, I've robbed and let live, taken what I've needed, and killed in cold blood, all to get to where I'm at in the game right now. I think that's the point you don't get. This isn't happy-go-lucky-let's-all-sit-in-a-circle-and-sing. Meh, counter-rant done. P.S.... cause I had to.... Your points: 1) Go play BF3 if it's more rewarding, that games for you, this one obviously isn't 2) The voice chat is being worked on, remember, it's in ALPHA. 3,4,5) As I said before: You really can't be serious, right?