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About woltan

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. woltan

    Operation Dogfight -- Private Servers

    I can only see #12 alive, whats happening with Taviana? :)
  2. woltan

    Operation Dogfight -- Private Servers

    Bring em back :'< It's so hard to find a DayZ server that you feel home at. I would love at least having 1 server back and why not make it so that you need to register to be able to play on it. Less work against hackers. Would love em back Torndeco, my life is shattered.
  3. woltan

    Operation Dogfight -- Private Servers

    Please bring the servers back up, this has been my most boring and sad day of my DayZ life. Please put em back on :<
  4. woltan

    Operation Dogfight -- Private Servers

    Please don't listen to what all these greedy bastards say, they are just in love with thier gear. Everything is obtainable pretty easily more or less, just put the .eu version back up and you do the decision as you are the owner of your servers. Please, I seriously can't find any other servers to play on. I basically just came back to Dayz cause of Taviana and cause a friend recommended your servers. So pretty please put em back up with whatever you feel is best. I personally love the .eu version!