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About boomey30

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  1. boomey30

    GLOBAL BAN?!?!

    Listen! I did nothing wrong to deserve a global ban! I have no idea why I have it!! here is a screen shot of it! I did not hack or cause any trouble!!
  2. boomey30

    LAG! Even in menu!

    Fixed it! It was as simple as changing the arma2oa.exe to the priority of high! It works now! Thank you to everyone who helped!
  3. boomey30

    LAG! Even in menu!

    I made a youtube video showing my problem.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNdRUhPqhHI
  4. boomey30

    LAG! Even in menu!

    Yes, That is my exact problem.
  5. boomey30

    LAG! Even in menu!

    Would it be possible that my cpu can handle OA and Arma 2 but just not DayZ?
  6. boomey30

    LAG! Even in menu!

    I found out my ram was faulty. Ordered new ram recieved it today, ARMA 2 OA would run with no problems, downloaded arma 2 again and installed dayz to ramdisk to increase performance. Tried to play today and it freezes just like before.. ._.
  7. boomey30

    LAG! Even in menu!

    What settings do you recommend?
  8. boomey30

    LAG! Even in menu!

    Advanced system care did fix the crazy lag spikes.. now I can play at about 15 fps but it still has crazy lag spikes every now and then..
  9. I have the same exact problem.
  10. boomey30

    LAG! Even in menu!

    Downloaded Advanced system care.. Did a full scan, there were a few errors so I repaired them. Launched Arma 2 and after a few seconds it starts freezing again.. :(
  11. boomey30

    LAG! Even in menu!

    Thanks for the help! Downloading Gamebooster now!
  12. boomey30

    LAG! Even in menu!

    Intel Celeron G540 @ 2.50 GHz Radeon HD 6450 1GB 8gb DDR3 RAM 1TB HDD Windows 7 64 bit
  13. boomey30

    LAG! Even in menu!

    I have a bad internet connection. That would mean another week before I could play. Is there anything else you would know of?
  14. boomey30

    LAG! Even in menu!

    Ok, So a few days ago I bought Arma 2 Combined operations. I downloaded Operation arrowhead first so I played it for a few hours, I adveraged about 50 fps. I downloaded Arma 2, then the problems happened. After that I would try to run Arma 2 OA, It would go to about 40 fps then back to 0 then repeats. I tried to play Dayz.. Same exact thing. Please help!
  15. Ok, so I built a new computer a few months ago and I want to play dayz on it. I used canirunit.com and it said I can't, but I have gotten other games that canirunit.com said I can't run. So here are the specs : CPU - Intel Celeron G540 @ 2.50 GHz Graphics card - Radeon HD 6450 RAM - 4 GB