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About Flonner

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Flonner

    Special Skills

    Hello everybody! First of all I want to say sorry if my English is bad, it isn't my mother tongue :D Second I want to say that the allmighty search function didn't find a similiar topic. We all want more communication and more teamwork between the player of DayZ but we all also know the reason why people are killing each other. Often its pure greed because the guy I see has better weapons, a bigger backpack or something else. We all want this to stop. My idea goes along with some kind of crafting system, because I think, if we want a quite realistic (if you want to use this word) zombie apocalypse simulator, we need more simple things. I know that the devs are working on so many things for the DayZ-Standalone and I can't wait till it's released. I also hope that I can give a little input for the later phases of the development, for a patch or something. Now I want to ask you a little question :D What makes us different from other people, except the way we look? The answer is simple. It's the knowledge and our skills. Some clever people might know what my suggestion is. At least I hope so :) If there were some books, which improve your skills in different things, like repairing a car or repairing weapons (I think I read something about weapons which can break), every player would have a different use and a community, which plays hand in hand could exist. You could find these "skill-books" in different places. Here's a little example: a book for repairing cars or something else can only be found at industrial areas. There should also be military books, for crafting ammo, repairing weapons and such things. This should open the possibility to players for working together, instead of working against each other, because these skills will make players unique. To prevent a player from becoming the "overbrain", they will only be able to learn a set amount of skills. My idea is pushing this game a little more into a rpg game, like Fallout, but it should still remain as the DayZ we all know and love it. Again, sorry for my bad English, I hope you still understand me :) What do you think about this idea? You like it or you don't?