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Everything posted by apocalypsemaow

  1. apocalypsemaow

    Clan Wars @ DayZ -Rmod- 24/7 Chernaurus, Bases!

    :D This sounds like a mixture of wasteland and dayz..
  2. apocalypsemaow

    DayZ, I am dissapoint.

    doing it TONIGHT! I will tell everyone of the genius murdertrain!
  3. apocalypsemaow

    Putting out a fire and then...KO'ed?

    Its seems this "getting knocked out" thing is showing up a lot in the forums... It has happened to me while climbing a ladder and it took the better part of an hour to regain consciousness. I figured it was some hack so one person could run around and loot your gear... Who knows.
  4. apocalypsemaow

    DayzHive - Nexus [AI's, Safezones, Chopper, 24/7, Taxi, etc]

    Skype username: ApocalypseMaow Age: 29 Play style: Explorer! Timezone: Central Time Zone Country: USA
  5. apocalypsemaow

    Micro-Stutter on every Step

    Whats your ping on server's?
  6. apocalypsemaow

    5-10 fps, high end computer, please help

    PC specs? Internet? Dayz is a pretty cpu stressing game, so running it on a non quad core cpu will tax it hard. Other than that man I'm not really sure... Sorry I can't be of more help.
  7. apocalypsemaow

    What computer is best for gaming?

    Number 2 all the way. 660 superclock will perform like a stock 670 and the 3570k will oc like a champ. Hands down 2
  8. Ill get you added tonight man. Sorry for not responding sooner, I only check the forums when i'm at work. :D
  9. apocalypsemaow

    Unconscious spawning bug

    I've been knocked out climbing a ladder and laid at the bottom for an hour unconscious... I alt tabbed out and surfed the web till it was over. Haven't had it happen since.
  10. apocalypsemaow

    1.7.5 - Cows will now run for their lives

    I think eating bandits should be added as well... Nothing like being labeled a cannible in the apocalypse. To far?
  11. This sounds pretty good. I'm down!
  12. apocalypsemaow

    How bad are the hackers?

    Arma 2 with all expansions is 15 bucks on steam and the mod is free to download. It is well worth the 15 bucks cause you get arma2/dayz/ and now you can play some wasteland mod too. So yeah... do it!
  13. apocalypsemaow

    141 Dayz and counting

    I made it a whole week (about 5 hours a day). Got brave and went to NW airfield for better gear. Found more guns then I could carry and spent about 2 hours deceiding which gun to take. Heard shots coming from south end of the airfield waited about another hour in the fire station before trying to run to the tower. That's when I heard a shot and was then well on my way to restarting.
  14. apocalypsemaow

    Upgrade graphics card or CPU?

    i5 2500k for sure.
  15. apocalypsemaow

    Your First Kill

    A guy ran in the doorway right out in front of me and starting looking at stuff in the corner... I panicked and opened fire hitting him once in his mid section. He then dropped prone on the ground and tried to figure out where the shots were coming from. At this point it was to late for changing my mind about killing him. The deed had to be finished... Been a bandit ever since. This all happened on the first floor of the abandon building west side of cherno.
  16. apocalypsemaow

    DayZ StandAlone Congrats!

    I could keep playing the game as is! ITS FREAKING BRILLIANT! If anyone mixes the wasteland and dayz mod I don't think ill ever play another game.
  17. apocalypsemaow

    Reason behind your username?

    I love cats and death metal... Francis Ford Coppola makes awesome movies as well.
  18. apocalypsemaow

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    I think implementing some of the Arma 2 wasteland elements would sort this whole "base/camp" deal. I personal like the thought of building an "army" in the apocalypse. It's something that would happen given a real apocalypse. Throw in the very rare bi plane of survivors/loot crash for chances at things that will not spawn in map... I don't know, just some random thoughts.