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+Frienemy+ DrTrollface

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Everything posted by +Frienemy+ DrTrollface

  1. They best not be running away with our money -.- Hope they get back up soon though.
  2. Flawzel Williamz AKA Mr Jizzy should still be running the HI server
  3. You posted the players on it.... they don't play on my server they have own another one.... so yeah as I said... DERP!
  4. No we started again... we have no idea why you was DCed from our server maybe you joined when it was restarting... Maybe you joined the wrong server....
  5. We never took any server files at all we just left we didn't advertise that we were leaving for another server because we didn't want to take people from that server. Also 90% of the donations were my ideas Flaw just increased the price by 500% and got greedy also as for the website the format looks the same because the same person made it and that is how he makes sites and has done for the last 8 years so he is the one copying the designer. We could of posted all this months ago when we left but we left quietly and without a word to anyone until flaw decided to come try bad mouth me on my own server then we decided we will fight back.
  6. I wonder when Flaw is going to have the balls to come post.... If it's going to take him the same amount of time it's taking him to find a woman then we could be waiting a really long time....
  7. Oh so you are a moron then :P It's rather clear to everyone whats going on other than you I guess.... Intelligence isn't on of your strong points is it?
  8. Sir you are the moron.... Look at how many people are saying hes doing shit and scamming players... are you blind?
  9. I'm not going to waste my time with him getting evidance if you decide to ignore my warning then thats fine and i'm not at all advertising my server because I never even put my server name in that.... DERP! I have a list of former +CCPD+ who agree with me and why do you think 90% of his admin team is gone now.... Yeah hes ranked in the top 50 but it's going to go down fast now we have all left :P Good look gaming and please for the love of god don't join my server we don't want people from here or happyisle.
  10. Well I wasn't going to say anything bad about the server.... I was recently CCPD on the server and we used to be told not to ban the owner Flawzel Williamz A.K.A Mr Jizzy when he used to go round shooting people with AS50 TWS and if he missed and got shot at back he banned them because it's a 'No Bandit Server' also Flaw you told everyone it's a non profit server but you bought games and everything with your donation money. Personaly I think it's disgusting that someone can say it's a no bandit server and break their own rules but ban people who also break the rules and as for claiming it's a non profit server and then using the money for personal gain is ridicules. Maybe next time Flaw you wont ban someone for joining another server other than yours.... as for your 'New' Admin map you might want to get it changed.... I already have it and I haven't been on your server in a while now however you didn't just ban me you banned everyone who decided to follow us. http://prntscr.com/n7bm4 http://prntscr.com/n7bol http://prntscr.com/n7buo Guys if you have brains don't join his server also don't sign upto his Website because I heard he gives out the IPs to people who hack it. Thanks for your time guys Former +CCPD+ DrTrollface P.S This is that mandatory post that you wanted me to do for your server hope you get what you deserve.