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About Dekker

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    On the Coast
  1. Dekker

    Adding realism to backpacks

    The only thing is weight on every single object would become ether ignored or tedious in my option. The weight part I wrote was for the speed decrease' date=' not inventory space. Why would you ignore something like that, when it directly affects your running speed? In real life you wouldn't fill your backpack up with shit, it will make you get tired faster. [/quote'] Well yes I agree every object in real life would have weight. But do you really want to stop at every loot pile and consider your options? There is a fine line between engrossing choices and tedious micromanagement. In my option Concerning weight based on back pack is a choice, considering weight for every single item in the game would be micromanagement of your pack. Also can you imagine how heavy a main rotor assembly would be all by it self?
  2. Man imagine the trolling. Rick "Hay bill come look over the side of this roof" Bill "o wow that's a lot of zombies" Rick "SPAAAAARRRRRRTTAAAAAA" *kick*
  3. The problem I see with backpacks is that there is nearly no reason to NOT upgrade when you have the chance, bigger packs make you a little easier to see to other players I guess. So what I'm proposing is that larger packs, as they would make you heaver, should slow you down, make you louder and you breath heaver; while smaller packs make you lighter, and therefore faster, able to sneak better and you don't get winded as easily. (I know its the stuff in the packs that make it heavy but that would be a pain to weigh the trade off for EVERY single can of beans) Now seeing a new pack isn't a routine procedure, but a carefully weighted tradeoff between holding space and speed/sound/endurance. Do you want to chance not being able to out run zombies for few more cans of beans, or do you chance starving to death so you can get some breathing room between you and the dead before turning around and shooting? Please start you response with something along the lines of- A) I hate you and everything you stand for, if I find you in game I will murder you and eat your beans B) I hate you but your idea isn't completely shit, still gonna eat your beans over your dead body C) I hate you but the idea is good, let's just tweak some numbers and/or add/remove something, now your beans or your life D) I hate you but I like your idea so lets run with it, Heck I'll even let you keep a single can of beans TL/DR; if you're not going to read why are you on a forum?