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Everything posted by magicbush

  1. I am currently looking for a new private hive server as I heard bad things about the public servers(hackors galore). I tried to find info, but I don't see anything that shows this. What do the tags regular, 3dp, ch, veteran, mean exactly? Thanks for any clarification!
  2. magicbush

    What do the tags on servers mean?

    Dang to bad it's not in the US(well I have empty servers filtered so maybe the US one is empty). When I checked your server it shows a ping of 244 :(. I will look around for a white-list server with a good population then, thanks guys!
  3. magicbush

    Why do I lag in Dayz? ):

    If none of that works I would suggest performing a recovery(reinstalls windows restart and press F11 repeatedly until the recovery manager pops up). Be sure to backup all files you want to keep first though! Also my card gets up to 80c-90c with no hickups or issues over the last 2 years(my case sucks as a few fans went out). The max rate the video card can handle depends entirely on the specific graphics card(mine has a max rate of 105c).
  4. magicbush

    Bambi looking for some friends/team

    I am a new player as well and wouldn't mind teaming up with a person or two :). Skype : MaGicBush, I will be on it in a few minutes if your still playing.