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Everything posted by tom.lloyd53@gmail.com

  1. Hey, Thanks for your application, Your welcome to join, however we are now using Team Speak Thanks, Tom Leader Founder
  2. Awesome, Will be glad to have you in the squad. I'll Pm you now. Thanks, Tom Leader Founder
  3. tom.lloyd53@gmail.com

    Looking for active squad based in UK.

    Hey I think I have what your looking for; I am based in the UK but have members outside too, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/113819-are-you-in-need-of-a-group-for-dayz-recruitment/ Thanks, Tom
  4. Alright your both in, I'll Pm you both now. Be online tomorrow to discuss things in further detail. Thanks, Tom Leader Founder
  5. tom.lloyd53@gmail.com

    Looking for a group

    Feel free to check this out: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/113819-are-you-in-need-of-a-group-for-dayz-recruitment/
  6. tom.lloyd53@gmail.com

    Looking for a group to survive with.

    Hey, Take a look. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/113819-are-you-in-need-of-a-group-for-dayz-recruitment/
  7. tom.lloyd53@gmail.com

    in need of a group

  8. tom.lloyd53@gmail.com

    Starting a new squad with active YouTube and Twitch

    Age:18 Ign:Tom Skype?:tom.lloyd45 Do you have a mic?:Yeah what can you bring to the squad?:I have some experience in Dayz, I can bring TeamWork, Friendliness as well as seriousness to the squad. I also have a YouTube channel on which I can post regular content, I am also online for a large amount of time each day, apart from times when working, and can put time and effort into things if needed.