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Everything posted by Lebenese

  1. Lebenese

    Need Some DayZ Friends.

  2. Lebenese

    My DayZ review

    Hey dude. Your comments about Hackets are total bs. I play in a private hive, been 5 days and been hacked 0 times. You've been PLAYIn on public, find a good private server and you'll never get hacked. Killing people is a part of the game, if you don't you'll miss valuable loot. I, myself have never killed someone but I have looted dead bodies.
  3. Lebenese

    Bored of tents :(

    I found one on the street infrony of a house
  4. Lebenese

    Having a cold

    How do you heal yourself from a cold?
  5. Lebenese

    Having a cold

    I'm sick. :( I looted both hospitals + the army tents at cherno ! Guess I should try again tomorrow :) Thanks guys !
  6. Lebenese

    Having a cold

    So basically I'm stuck sick? Or ican take heat packs ?
  7. Lebenese

    Smg or pistol

    For non silenced guns, is it best to have an smg as your back up gun? Or if I find a pistol, I take that instead? So basically pistol or smg
  8. Lebenese

    Smg or pistol

    The g17 is found north?
  9. Lebenese

    Smg or pistol

    My bad :s. ill keep that weapon :) thank you!
  10. Lebenese

    Smg or pistol

    The pdw is a main weapon? :o and yeah I always find g17 mags
  11. Lebenese

    Smg or pistol

    Yeah that one. So it's best to stick with a pistol?
  12. Lebenese

    What was your motive to come to DayZ?

    I watched the videos made by Frankie. Watched about 100+ videos about dayz till I finally got it and now I can't stop !
  13. Lebenese

    Sooooooooooooooooooo Lost

    If lots of zombies are running after you, get into a bush. They'll stand next to you 'lost' and eventually they'll walk away. When they walk away crawl away/crouch
  14. My 10pm is in 4 and a Half hours Btw we can still play tomorrow
  15. I'm up for it :D Message me and I'll give you my steam. I'm also meetin up with someone at 10pm my time(eastern and he's gonna help me play) Just message me for the steam
  16. Lebenese


    How do I talk in the side chat? I see people talking but how do I talk
  17. Lebenese


    How do I turn on a flashlight
  18. Lebenese


    Thanks :)
  19. Lebenese

    Bambi looking for some friends/team

    Mines getting set up now :) still ..
  20. Lebenese

    Bambi looking for some friends/team

    I'm getting dayZ soon, just downloading :)
  21. Lebenese


    I'm downloading the game right now(the arma II combined thing) and is there like a server for beginners or you just chose any with pros and noobs(Bambi's as Frankie says :P) Anyway other then that, any good tips on where to start looting ?
  22. Lebenese


    I did dayZ manually 0.0
  23. Lebenese


    @dr-shade I've played a bit and watched numorous tutorials on the controls :)
  24. Lebenese


    Thanks ! I wouldn't anyway !
  25. Lebenese


    On the DayZ it said that what ever damage is done from dayZcommander isn't their fault 0.0. What happens if I don't? And I'll practice for a few days till you come back, then we team up? 0.o