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Posts posted by dwj4321

  1. Battalion Landing Team 3/2 – 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit [DayZ & WarZ Military]

    Explanation of Who we are:

    BLT 2/3 is a Military Realism Unit for DayZ and WarZ. Our Clan was created in Late December of 2012 and has been around under different names ever since. We started as US Army, went to US Navy and have arrived to stay as US Marines. Our clan aims to recreate real life Miltary Tactics and a realistic Military experience while still having fun in the games that we play. Within the BLT, we have an Organization that resembles a USMC Battalion and as been edited to fit into the environment in which we play. 26th MEU has many real life Veterans of the USMC, US Army and US Navy and with their help we have created a very successful Clan that is going on stronger and stronger every day. BLT aims to bring every new member a very Realistic Military environment, while still having fun when we can, but becoming a Unit when we need to me. Every man/women who joins the 26th MEU will have equal opportunities to take up positions that they have their eyes set on and are encouraged to apply for positions that they are interested in filling

    Explanation of What we do:

    In BLT 2/3 we do many things. Those things include Patrols around our AO/FOB (Area of Operations / Forward Oberating Base), Ambushes against Enemy Forces, Convoy Operations, Helicopter Insertions, Amphibious Landings and many other things that the Real USMC does, but as I said about our Organization, we have edited the doctrine and tactics to better react to each situation that we are forced to confront. Along with Assault Operations, we also do a lot of Defensive and Counter-insurgency. By this I mean we attempt to identify and eliminate all of the hostiles with in a given area, to help out Friendlies or Bambi players. We are indeed a Bandit type clan. If you have a weapon and are in our Area, you are considered hostile unless you contact us, drop your weapon and wait for us the clear the area. We fire when fired upon and do not engage Bambi players (New players).

    Explanation of What we have to offer:

    People who are considering to join BLT 3/2 have many options to choose from when they join the Unit. Some of these Options include the following:

    - Platoon Commander

    - Platoon Sergeant

    - Fireteam/Squad Leader

    - Piloting Specialties

    - Scout Snipers

    And many other Positions that people will enjoy filling. Upon joining, new Recruits will go through a 1-4 day Trial Period in which they will be evaluated and set to see if they are a good fit or not. Recruits may apply for either the WarZ or DayZ part of the clan (both of which are equal). When you select your game you wish to play in the clan, you may play the other game but your rank will hold a different position upon the transfer, and if you are casually playing, you will be given a basic Rifleman spot, etc. For more information on this, join our Teamspeak 3 Server (Information to come). We also offer a very Active Clan that averages atleast 9-13 Marines per op. This means we can do alot of very cool things in game and we use those number well. We also offer a Unit that is feared by the people who met us in game, as we take no Prisoners and Leave no Survivors from a raid conducted by us.

    Requirements To Join:

    If you made it this far in the post, then you are obviously interested in joining. Here are the requirements to join BLT 3/2:

    - Minimum age of 13+, we do not Discriminate based on a persons age, but on how they conduct them selfs. The interview will deem if your Age does matter.

    - Must have a working Microphone (Or plan to get one), communication is KEY

    - Do not talk to Public players unless they are asking something about the Clan

    - NO TROLLING (You will be banned at the first, slightest hint of Trolling)

    - Must be able to dedicated 3-4 days a Week and atleast 3-5 hours a day to playing and being active on the Teamspeak and Server.

    - Must listen to Orders from NCOs and Officers (NO Exceptions)

    - Stick with the Group, do not run off on your own within being told to do so. (The current FTL/SL will tell you when to go loot something, list to orders)

    - Are not currently involved in any of DayZ Clan

    - Never reveal the location of the base to anyone without first getting permission from an Officer. (NO Exceptions)

    - All Vehicles except for personal vehicles stored off base (Including ALL Helicopters) are not to be taken off base without consulting a NCO or Officer. (Helicopters must be clear by myself)

    - Speak fluent English

    There are other Rules and Requirements that will be told to prospective recruits upon joining our Teamspeak 3 Server. If you have any questions, please PM me or join our Teamspeak 3 server and speak to a NCO or an Officer to have your questions answered.

    Server Information

    Teamspeak 3 Server IP & Password:

    IP: loungeoflounging.teamspeak3.com

    PW: infantry

    Private Hive #1: DayZTaviana - (2.0/101480) [REGULAR][GMT-5] Private Hive - Battalion Landing Team 3/2 - 26th MEU | DayZ.ST (IP =

    Website: Will be given once you have been Accepted

    How to Enlist / Closing Statements:

    To Enlist (join the clan) you must fill out the following format. Once you have been Accepted, you must join our Teamspeak 3 Server for an Interview and then to be processed into the game that you wish to join. Keep in mind, that if you dont join the Teamspeak 3 for your interview, your Application will be denied. Also keep in mind that you must be able to Dedicated 3-4 days a week to join and must be extremely active in the 1-4 day Trial process, or again, you will be denied entry to the unit. Here is each step explained, following these will help you get into the unit:

    Step 1: Fill our Enlistment Papers out here with detail.

    Step 2: Once your Application has been Accepted (if it is) then you will be required o join our

    Teamspeak 3 and have an interview Conducted with myself or another recruiter. Once you have done this move on to Step 3

    Step 3: Request your unit assignment and get to gaming with BLT 3/2!

    Following these steps and trying your best will almost guarantee you getting into BLT 3/2. Keep in mind that not everything is included in this post, so feel free to PM me or (preferably) join our Teamspeak 3 Server to have any and all of your questions answered, as well as get a more in depth explanation of our setup. Make sure to register on our Forums and then submit an Application Keep in mind to be thorough and explain your answers or you may be denied. Goodluck! Here is the format for Applying

    1. Age:18

    2. Experience in DayZ:4 mounths

    3. Past DayZ Clans (If any):None

    4. Gender:M

    5. Previous Military Experience (You will be Tested and Verified if you have any).None

    6. Prefered Job within the Unit (Platoon CO, Squad Leader, Scout Sniper, Etc):Piloting Specialties

    7. Are you willing to download any Map that we require you to have?:Yes

    8. Do you Accepted all of our Rules and Requirements?:Yes

    9. What Game are you Applying for?:DayZ

    10. Country:U.S

    11. Timezone (EST, MST, Etc)P.S.T

    12. Method of Communication (Steam Preferred):Skype,Teamspeak. i can do steam if needed

    13. Do you have Integrity?:Yes

    14. Are you Dedicated and Motivated?:Yes

    15. Time to dedicate to BLT 3/2:I can dedicate Sunday night,Monday, and Saturday. I will probally be on every day though and those days are subject to change.

    16. What do you Bring to BLT 3/2?:I bring in a high skill of looting cities and getting out alive.I fight best in CQB but I am still good with snipers except the DMR.

    17. Why do you wish to join BLT 3/2?:I wish to join because I am looking for a serious group of players who will continue to play the game after a while.

    18. What do you hope to accomplish with us?:I hope to accomplish a fun time with success and for the team to have no fear.

    19. Hooah or Oorah?:Oorah

    20. Preferred Method of play (Assault Oriented or Defensively Orientated):Assault Oriented

    21. Realism name (FOLLOW THE FORMAT: Firstinitial. "Nickname" Lastname):D "Boots" Woodley-Jones

  2. Hi, I'm an 18 yr old guy looking for a few people to play with. I will play whichever map you want just as long as you play a good amount.I am in the P.S.T zone but i am prone to stay up late anyways .My favorite thing to do is to be a scouter for my team( only when i don't have a sniper because I like to not die if i have a sniper).So, i have more to say but don't want this post being that long. So, if you want to play with me add me on skype: xdwj1234x. I also have teamspeak.

    See you all soon :D

    • Like 1

  3. Hey, my name is Dione I am 18 and i am looking for 4 active players that our interested in playing on any map. my goal is to get us geared up and have tents set up with lots of guns horded. I like populated servers for good amounts of pvp. Add me on skype:xdwj1234x and i have teamspeak to. join me and lets have a good time



    I am 18, If your looking for a group to play Day Z with a lot. I have experience in playing the game and have spare time on my hands to be available for various things. I also have a YouTube channel available to put a lot of content onto if needed or want to. Not bothered about your timezone or whatever things can be arranged to make it easier for everybody. Hopefully this may be able to expand into a good community of players,This should help players in the squad to learn from others about the game including tactics etc, As a squad we can help others learn to play the game even more thus expanding everyone's knowledge, teamwork.

    We now have our own Team Speak server and DayZ server thanks to donations off members and others.

    Players requirements;

    Experience in the game,

    Will need to be over the age of 16 ,

    Be serious in what is needed to be done,

    Will need to be loyal to the squad,

    Listen to leaders and respect all members at all times;

    If not you will be dealt with severely,

    Will need preferably Skype but Team Speak can be used,

    In game;

    Players will need to help others if need be,

    Vehicles will need to be used appropriately as fuel could be low,

    no other player will be fired upon unless told or under threat by others,

    Tactics will definitely be used pretty much all the time,

    Squad may need certain classes;

    Sniper, For cover

    Medic, medical supplies

    Scout, To gain weapons, go into buildings first,

    General items.

    The main idea is to have fun playing

    Please fill in this application form and I will try to respond within 24 hours;



    Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:


    Experience in game:



    In game Name:





    Name:Dione Woodley-Jones


    Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:skype name xdwj1234x

    Mic?:i have a mic

    Experience in game:i have been playing for 2 weeks


    Bio:Im a player that does what needs to be done. i go in cherno or elektro whenever to get what i need and make it out 90% of the time.I have been shot in the back multiple times and becoming a not so friendly .

    In game Name:Mr.DWJ

  5. SEAL Team 1

    The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

    SEAL Team 1 is a new group I've wanted to start for awhile, looking to expand into a team that can act and function as a real SEAL Team, recruiting experienced and non-experienced players. All applications will be reviewed. This clan thrives on surviving and keeping the community safe from bandit clans and gangs. Still looking for an effective way to communicate, but will be discussed among the team. SEAL Team 1 is not a bandit clan in any way or promoted to that direction. Our mission statement is to keep the survivors of Chernarus safe from harm. There are rules that must be followed at all times, these rules are military based (IE.) The SOP/ROE. This team will function as tactically as possible. "Duties include, but are not limited to, fighting against crimes that endanger the peace and security of mankind, terrorism, corruption, and organized criminal activities in the sphere of management and economy, as well as other unlawful acts that threaten the safety and interests of SEAL Team 1 and Chernarus.

    Primary Objectives

    1.) Aide and support and survivors in Chernarus

    2.) Eliminate all threats of gangs and bandit clans

    3.) Provide security, protection, and supplies to survivors if needed

    SEAL Team 1 ROE Handbook


    1. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one.

    2. Decide to be aggressive enough, quickly enough.

    3. Have a plan.

    4. Have a back-up plan, because the first one probably won’t work.

    5. Be polite. Be professional, but, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

    6. Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun whose caliber does not start with a “4.”

    7. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive.

    8. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (Lateral & diagonal preferred.)

    9. Use cover or concealment as much as possible.

    10. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours.

    11. Always win. There is no unfair fight.

    12. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived.

    13. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating your intention to shoot.

    SEAL Team 1

    The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

    Feel free to PM me an application and we will get back to you soon!

    SEAL Team 1 - Members (3) Currently

    Team Commander- {SEALs} Ghost



    IGN (Subject to change if accepted):



    MOS or Roles (Choose one) and (Reason Why): Sniper - Support - Medical - Infantry - Gunner - Recon - Assault

    Days and Times available:

    Skype/Steam Usernames and/or E-mail:

    *Will be notified by given contact information above

    Hope to see you all there!

    My name is Dione

    My in game name is Mr.Jones. i think . im not sure because im not to sure how to check it

    i am 18


    i would like to be sniper but i can never get my hands on one to practice with so im going to say infatry or assault because i like to be exposed to lots of action

  6. I have been playing DayZ for awhile, but I quit a few months back due to having a crap computer

    I have recently got a new one but unfortunately all my old team has disbanded without note/reply

    Anyone interested in forming a new team can (almost always) contact me on skype - nevervaliant

    Just put something like "DayZ team" in your add request and I will certainly add and get to you as soon as i can.

    Looking forward to days of zombie slaughter!


    I would like to join you. my skype name is xdwj1234x and i sent you a skype invite. get back to me soon please
    • Like 1

  7. Hello

    I am new to DayZ and just lookin for a few good people to form a group. I am a friendly player, always willing to help people who derserve it, but will protect my own. If anyone is interested you can just reply, or add me to skype at ggregg77. If anyone would rather teamspeak or somethin we can figure that out too.

    Thanks everyone!

    Man im just looking for help lol.

    skype name:xdwj1234x

    steam name :dwj1234

  8. EDIT: I was is Celle (if you care) NOT Fallujia.

    You all make very valid points. Yes I did disobeyed instructions but there was just that bad vibe. And frankly, I shouldn't have a agreed to anything. Now that I recall, I think a minute earlier i had also heard a gunshot but I had completely forgot about that. If I would have remembered that, none of this would have happened.....

    Also he had this planned from the start. After I repawned and played it like i wasnt mad he said Something like (remember this is world chat) "Noob that'll teach you to never trust anyone." Asked me if I wanted my stuff back. I said "you can have it, cause you obviously would rather have my better stuff" I wasn't gonna fall for that shit again.

    And Morgan, I was thinking almost the same thing. Since the standalone is coming out soon, I mind as well go for it, on armed people if I feel unsafe at all. :D (not all the time though)

    Add me on steam if you'd like! I'm a good leader, even better follower. Also I may still have a good tent but its probably disappeared by now.


    I'm 20, have Skype or steam chat... And even TS3

    Hey man . my skype name is xdwj1234x. i am too tired of those people who shoot on sight. also my steam name is dwj1234.add me bro

  9. Hello, My friend and me are looking for fellow new players like myself to make a group to help each other out. We are not bandits but we do kill when we feel threatened. Add me on steam my username is :dwj1234 and my skype name is xdwj1234x. We prefer to use skype because a lot of our friends have it . Just let me know soon and lets have a blast :D.

    P.S We really want to have like 2 snipers and a pilot for planes/helicopters
