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About dwj4321

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  1. Hey man. im 18. My skype name is xdwj1234x
  2. Hi, I'm an 18 yr old guy looking for a few people to play with. I will play whichever map you want just as long as you play a good amount.I am in the P.S.T zone but i am prone to stay up late anyways .My favorite thing to do is to be a scouter for my team( only when i don't have a sniper because I like to not die if i have a sniper).So, i have more to say but don't want this post being that long. So, if you want to play with me add me on skype: xdwj1234x. I also have teamspeak. See you all soon :D
  3. Hey, my name is Dione I am 18 and i am looking for 4 active players that our interested in playing on any map. my goal is to get us geared up and have tents set up with lots of guns horded. I like populated servers for good amounts of pvp. Add me on skype:xdwj1234x and i have teamspeak to. join me and lets have a good time
  4. dwj4321

    We want a third in our squad!!

    Hi. my skype name is xdwj1234x . i am an intermediate player and would love to join you guys :D
  5. my skype name is xdwj1234x and i have team speak. my favorite map is probally panthera but i will play on any map. i am active and i am in p.s.t time zone. i am playing right now actually. so add me so we can play some Dayz!!!
  6. Well robby my skype name is xdwj1234x. add me because you didnt put your skype name up to be added
  7. Name:Dione Woodley-Jones Age:18 Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names:skype name xdwj1234x Mic?:i have a mic Experience in game:i have been playing for 2 weeks Timezone:P.S.T Bio:Im a player that does what needs to be done. i go in cherno or elektro whenever to get what i need and make it out 90% of the time.I have been shot in the back multiple times and becoming a not so friendly . In game Name:Mr.DWJ
  8. Hey, im looking for people to play with just like everybody else. im online right now and my skype name is :xdwj1234x and my steam name is dwj1234
  9. My name is Dione My in game name is Mr.Jones. i think . im not sure because im not to sure how to check it i am 18 California/US i would like to be sniper but i can never get my hands on one to practice with so im going to say infatry or assault because i like to be exposed to lots of action
  10. dwj4321

    Looking for a TeamMate (Perhaps Clan)

    I would like to join you. my skype name is xdwj1234x and i sent you a skype invite. get back to me soon please
  11. Man im just looking for help lol. skype name:xdwj1234x steam name :dwj1234
  12. Hey man . my skype name is xdwj1234x. i am too tired of those people who shoot on sight. also my steam name is dwj1234.add me bro
  13. Hello, My friend and me are looking for fellow new players like myself to make a group to help each other out. We are not bandits but we do kill when we feel threatened. Add me on steam my username is :dwj1234 and my skype name is xdwj1234x. We prefer to use skype because a lot of our friends have it . Just let me know soon and lets have a blast :D. P.S We really want to have like 2 snipers and a pilot for planes/helicopters
  14. Me and my buddy would like to join you. I am in the PST zone and i play whenever. I have skype:xdwj1234x to and my steam name is dwj1234