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Everything posted by R-Dog2422

  1. what do bandits do better than heros? How about make enemies and get shot?
  2. I was in a house in cherno, minding my own business, unarmed. When all of the sudden, I see some beans on the ground. I went to pick them up, but I get attacked by a guy in the house. He emptied his m16 into my back, yelling "GIMME YOUR BEEEAAANNSSS!" I almost didn't go in that house. If I didn't go in, I would have avoided that completely.
  3. R-Dog2422

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    they could make ammo very, very uncommon. more so than it already is
  4. R-Dog2422

    The Notorious Can Incident

    I saw some of the mods with a picture of cans in there post...with the words "Nothing to see here" on them. Do we really need to be this immature? Both sides. some of the cans were dumb. "mzly yzly" or "herpy dooves muffins". But they removed them from the game. But then the mods have those pictures in there posts? Why can't they just get over it. No offense to the mods or anybody.Some people didn't like their idea and its gone.
  5. R-Dog2422

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I don't play DayZ for a couple days...and I miss all of this? "Cangate". Does it matter? oh well, I need to update
  6. R-Dog2422

    What would you trade for a FN FAL AN/PVS-4

    Pasta and a Mountain Dew
  7. I was in Kamenka, with only a Makarov as a weapon, and I went into a building for some loot. I turned the corner and I saw a player bandaging himself. This was the first time I ever saw a player in DayZ, so out of fear I unloaded an entire clip of bullets into his head.
  8. R-Dog2422

    Best day in DayZ

    I just went to the airfield. I saw a heli crash on the way, but I didn't take anything (didn't want the Bizon). As I was walking around when I saw a guy in a ghillie suit, he was about to shoot me but I killed him with a Lee Enfield. I took his gear. DMR with 5 mags, M9 suppressed, Range Finder, GPS, food and water. Needless to say, I will be going back to the airfield soon.
  9. I have just started to download Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead on Steam. I'm almost done downloading Operation Arrowhead, but do I need to download the Operation Arrowhead Beta to play DayZ?
  10. R-Dog2422

    Operation Arrowhead Beta

    Thank you very much!