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Fizzy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Fizzy (DayZ)

  1. Fizzy (DayZ)

    Problem with my gear

    I join any server and when i right click to either equip my gear or to use it the box appears for about 5 miler-seconds or it is behind the picture in my gear. Please Help
  2. Fizzy (DayZ)

    Problem with my gear

    I go onto Dayz and join a server I find some gear I want to use that gear so i right click For example if i wanted to use a Hatchet (Axe) i would right click and a box would appear The box would say Gather wood and underneath that it would say something like equip (I think) But the box appears for less than a second or the box would appear behind the Hatchet Please help
  3. Fizzy (DayZ)

    Server bug?

    I Leave a server by "Aborting" and then "Disconnect" and "Exit" the game as usual, But when i join the same server all my gear has gone and all I have is the weapons but with no ammo. please Help.
  4. I am using Dayz Commander to join the server I am not using ARMA 2 OA Beta I get this error message when joining the server "Script restriction #45" It happens when i connect to the server and when I'm about to spawn Help would be great.