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About edsim

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I guess new players would find it really difficult but I still want to see zombies playing a bigger role in regards to creating a dangerous environment. Now it's more of an inconvenience in the later game than a real threat. Hopefully the devs will come up with something to keep the thrill going.
  2. Hi everyone, I think I'm not the only one who has noticed that after you get your main essential down (food, water, meds, guns) it starts to get pretty borring which makes people hunt other players even more. Not saying that's all you can do or that hunting some poor guy is bad. I just have a suggestion for something which could keep even the pro players on their feet. I'm thinking that it would be interesting to add another survival bar on the screen. Something like an infection level. The story for this would be... everyone is infected and it is crucial for each player to get a hold of a temporary antidote for this infection from time to time. In time you need to get more of the antidote. Of course, this antidote must be scarse. Only the big cities should have the antidote spawning in specific areas. It would make sense that the big cities get the antidote first. As I see it this would result in huge raiding parties happening in the cities where newbies could get some pot shots out on the pros and likewise the endgame players would have something more to keep them occupied. To encourage teamwork and newbies allying together this antidote could be used by 2 different players once. I'm not sure if not receiving the antidote should make you loose blood, kill you or just give some inconvenience to the player like blurred vision or something. The point is to make it a highly valued item in the game. Preferably making it into Day Z's type of currency which could be used in trading outpost or just become another item to kill for. If you have some additions to my thoughts feel free to reply, I would really like to see something like this in the game.