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About SnipersAre4Scumbags

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  1. SnipersAre4Scumbags

    Humanity ladder ranking

    If you kill someone while their combat indicator is blinking it shouldn't count, or at least be at a reduced cost.
  2. SnipersAre4Scumbags

    Special Skills

    Actually I think having skills can go in another direction. If you have ever played the flash game The Last Stand: Union City (If not you can just play it here:http://armorgames.com/play/12009/the-last-stand-union-city) you can see there is a prompt at the start of the game for what you want you skill sets to be. So whether you want to be someone strong in the use of melee wepons or someone with alittle more marksmanship training than the average Joe survivor you can just spend a handful of skill points on it. I think this could possibly play alittle more into the idea that the players creating the story if not everyone is expected to be of the same muscular build and fitness or have the same ammount of medical training, ect..
  3. SnipersAre4Scumbags

    Don't even make third-person an option for DayZ standalone

    Maybe if the first person was on par with Red Orchestra's I could support this. The shaky camera thing we have now is pretty much unusable on long walks due to how nauseating it is to look at, I don't even think its that bad in real life unless you had some type of inner ear problem.
  4. SnipersAre4Scumbags

    Rules of Engagment

    Okay there tough guy. I'll leave clicking on pixels from miles away with your buddies to you and your collective sacks but I'll on the other hand be using my brain and the cognitive reasoning that it comes with to secure my territory and thrive off people like you who like to give away their positions by firing on poor unsuspecting players.
  5. SnipersAre4Scumbags

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    Find some NVG or stock up on flares and chemlights, there are already 2 types of flashlights with never ending power sources in this game but I will admit when I heard there was a "military flashlight" I expected more like an anglehead type that you could stick on your vest and let illuminate everything directly infront of you. Also a system where the light doesn't penetrate through walls would be nice.
  6. But ask yourself though. How scary are differen't zombies with different running styles if they can all be outrun fairly easily? Its one thing when you can outrun them carrying a small empty sack, a flashlight, a bandage, and a pack of painkillers but when you're running around with large bags full of millitary wepons, axe, toolboxes, car parts, and all inside of a full ghillie suit its kindof laughable when the supposedly "28 Days Later" zombies can't even catch you. When I think 28 Days Later I think Jim running through the streets of London pulling agro from hordes of zombies and barely making it out alive wearing only a hospital gown before getting rescued and narrowly escaping into a convenience store. Then once again when Jim and Selena have to scramble up an apartment building to get saved by Frank. Every chase was heart pounding as you know they couldn't stay out of reach for long before they were to become a zombie snack. In the end they finally discovered the only way to outrun them was with wheels and only as long as they had road. DayZ should be like this. As it is I don't even need to enter a full sprint to outrun a so-called "super zombie". I can just string them along wherever I go as I casually walk with my rifle or machinegun in hand until I can lose them on a slope or in a forest or inside a building or on the water..
  7. Give zombies the ability to run you down. At this point they can chase you and get right onto your heel but they're pretty much harmless as long as you don't stop or change direction too slowly. If you're not ever going to get exhausted atleast give the zombies a chance of grabbing onto you or pulling you down if you're not going to break LOS or fight them like a man.
  8. SnipersAre4Scumbags

    Rules of Engagment

    So if i'm understanding your reasoning in this well thought and insightful post I can guess you are either a zombie or a CoD player?
  9. SnipersAre4Scumbags

    Rules of Engagment

    My only rule is to KOS anyone holding a sniper rifle unless they're hero skinned. Everyone else can be spared my wrath, Even bandit skins should they honor the rule.
  10. So I guess the combat indicator isn't going to be in the standalone?