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About Grunt9101

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  1. nice, that sounds crazy. but I didnt' know things had unlimited fuel, is that a general thing or something jut some servers add?
  2. exactly, thta's the kind of game i wanna play in. Sounds like Box's server is pretty much what I'm looking for though, and has a helthy population. I"ll be on that one soon hopefully :)
  3. Hey Box, that server sounds fantastic! I'm going to jump on that one asap. So it sounds like there's a lot of new things added like traders and gold and what not, which is awesome. I'll check out your link and hopefully be joining up as soon as I intall the game :D
  4. hmm, that sounds like a good time. But i did enjoy my all chat to pass the time lol, and not having the top half of the map is weird. Do you know of any other servers that might not be as hardcore, but still good?
  5. what's an epoch, and gary's mod servers?
  6. So, I've come back to DayZ and the server I used to run on is gone. I'm looking for a server that is reliable with admins who don't abuse their powers and play by the rules, and that has good anti hacks in place. I'd like it to be hardcore survivalist, not like these servers with 18 helicopters and LMG's handed out oprah winfrey style. Anyone know of a server like this?
  7. ok this is great, I'd love to join up and lone wolf it. Where could we find the info for the server?
  8. Grunt9101

    Everything is private :(

    Alright, well honest to god just got hacked hardcore on a server i was on for 2 hours, so guess private hive it is. so I guess my dilemma is this: deal with hackers on a normal server or go to private server and deal with admin abuse/not normal stuff.
  9. Ok, so I'm at the 6 launcher and every single game I can see is private hive, which from what my brother told me is something not connected to the normal Dayz server base. Where can I find a normal DayZ server that doesn't have all this extra crap, and is connected so when I log out my ch aracter is saved server side? Anyone have any good ones?