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Everything posted by hazedaze

  1. hazedaze

    Dayz Keeps Freezing my computer

    use a monitoring software like realtemp to see temps of both cpu and gpu. see if they are overheating (temps should around 70-80c ) http://www.techpowerup.com/realtemp/
  2. hazedaze

    NV Goggles

    shut the fuck up donny
  3. hazedaze

    Day Z Made Me Check Out Arma 2

    go online. if you dont mess around, kill ppl or blow up planes nobody will bash you for being noob. just try reviving teammates and you will eventually learn other stuff about maps - objectives.
  4. hazedaze

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I hope they seperate blur effect from pp. gives me a headache.
  5. probably gpu overheating. try monitoring temps while ingame with gpu-z http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/
  6. hazedaze

    DayZGame graphics...

    RV4 HELLS YEAH!!! thanks guys, for clearing this out. only thing I hope they exclude all that phsyx stuff out of dayz game. I hate to see an 2500k intel cpu struggling to generate decent fps while some cheap ragdoll effects on screen just cuz of amd gpu.... /place [FUCK YOU NVIDIA I WONT BUY ANY OF YOUR PRODUCT] here
  7. hazedaze

    GDC Online Awards

    dayz for president
  8. hazedaze

    Poor/Terrible performance over time

    your gpu - gt220 is a terrible video card. its probably choking after some time.
  9. hazedaze

    My new desktop

    +1 you should have bought either a 7870 or evga gtx 570 at least. also consider a SSD. you have the best cpu out there but putting a mechanical drive on that rig wont make any difference with loading times - rendering big files - etc..will be the same with dual cores at most situations.
  10. time to go back to little box hooked in tele eh?
  11. hazedaze

    What Desktop should i buy for DayZ?

    hey dude this website has some builds, also full of all those useful information to first time builders www.hardware-revolution.com decide a build for your budget and go for it. Note that dayz doesnt need the best videocard on market. It only needs a good quadcore cpu (intels i5 cpu like 2500 is sufficient) also, for a GPU you dont need to spend too much. If you can grab a used 5850 1gb from ebay, you will be fine &spending less so you can upgrade some other parts like hdd to SSD. I suggest you read the link I gave you.
  12. some cheating scum will see your post and try to ruin your experience since you posted this here (I hope not) but cheating is related to popularity thats all Im sayin.
  13. hazedaze

    Can this run the game/mod?

    what resolution 400x300?
  14. hazedaze

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    toss a grenade to mid air to clear towns/airfields from players
  15. hazedaze

    Looking For A Certain DayZ Video

    careful son. youre looking for something like meaning of life
  16. hazedaze

    Day Z Gfx Settings

    try disabling post processsing effects under advanced video options
  17. hazedaze

    performance help PLZ!

    what resolution? edit:anyway you cant go higher than 720p with your hardware. or try even lower resolutions.
  18. that is something never gonna happen. If rocket left BIS and all that, find another studio to make his game this was a possibility. BIS = pure pc studio also theres no console out there to handle such engine. dont you think blizzard released wow for consoles if thats possible?
  19. hazedaze

    DayZ at GamesCom

    wish I could be there. I gotta work work and work.. will be waiting for the news. good luck dayz crew
  20. hazedaze

    [Video / Series] Bandit Women - Episode 1

    this is pointless. just saying.
  21. hazedaze

    What do i need to upgrade?

    7770 is adequete for dx9 gaming at 1080p but your cpu is weak. I would change the platform If I were you. Intel Core i5-3450 3.1GHz ASRock B75M LGA 1155 Intel B75 Micro ATX 4gig or 8 gig ddr3 1600mhz ram with cl9 timings or get a cheap H61 chipset motherboard, get a i5 2500 cpu, get 8gigs of ram.
  22. hazedaze

    Relogged and Spawned in Prig, Kept Inventory

    I have a 36 days old character. I spawned once again at shore today. Im kinda bored making my way to berezino everytime. This happened for fifth or sixth time now.