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Everything posted by hazedaze

  1. hazedaze

    Encouraging Cooperation Among Players

    yeah. hopefully that will be improved in sa too. rocket's been talking about head injuries and stuff like that at devblog. which you will need someone with healing power (cant find any other word) to get well again. he was talking about a health system beyond only blood. would be awesome imo.
  2. hazedaze

    Encouraging Cooperation Among Players

    you can't use bloodbags your own, and this is the main reason why you team up with someone ingame many times. if weapons had conditions, cars need more to be fixed than toolbox and parts also players had perks like mechanic, medicine, arms expert etc. (which I think they will be in SA mosdef) there would be more social gameplay than deathmatch kinda play. forcing ppl to play together with super zombies won't work. things like this (perks etc) would only make ppl to value others life in game.
  3. hazedaze

    DE 106 and found as50 TWS

    he says "barack obama is a lying sob, perma ban!" np
  4. hazedaze

    I've been wondering.... Why Chernarus?

    I gave u beanz anyway, enjoy
  5. hazedaze

    I've been wondering.... Why Chernarus?

    if it was in usa zombies will be boomers chernarus, ppl lived with eating organic food, taking egg from chickens ass every morning and putting it in tommy, milking the cow and stuff like that so when they became zombies, they break your bones with single slap ya digg?
  6. hazedaze

    How is the state of the mod atm?

    well dude I've started around 20k pplayers. time when even joining to a game was pain in the ass as you remember. I also quit after cheaters popped out. havent played 4-5 months. now everything is smooth as butter, lots of servers, less cheating scumbags and NONE if you go and register to a whitelisted server group which I did cuz whitelisted ones have no cheats or poor performance and more populated than a normal server. I suggest you to play the mod right now. no bugs like the old times, you can do some crucial things like switching main weapon to backpack weapon without dropping it on ground, ridiculous reloading hatchet is gone, there are new backpacks, vehicle-loot spawn is less bugged blabla..those little details are taken care of and it feels much much better than early times of mod. look for a whitelisted server group giving you and your mates good pings and have some fun edit: you have to try and see if you like modceptions. for some reason chernarus is still best for me. taviana is very good, panthera also. there are dayz+ and origins but I didn't liked em personally. there are also rMod servers, which unlocks all arma II arsenal vehicles - weapons. but the best servers in private ones if you ask me vanilla dayz + JSRS sound mod servers. jsrs adds so much to combat.
  7. hazedaze

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    hatchet ftw
  8. hazedaze

    Cars/Tents disspear?

    correct story: they stole it, on the way, guy drove over your tent and destroyed it with everything inside
  9. hazedaze

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    its just human eye. when you capture something at 60 or 30fps doesnt matter. your capture is good but ppl just turn off the blur via disabling PP effects. btw include Oktane's noblur or some improvements over PP would be nice before you release man. blur in arma II is no good. please consider an option to disable it without messing with AOcclusion
  10. hazedaze

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    in the end, all zombies turn into joints to picked up by survivors. joint is a massive inventory item, makes you spawn a vehicle you want. a plane maybe.
  11. hazedaze

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    or just put a giant obama. throwing bullshit all around and killing survivors. we will gear up from cherno and elektro then gear up more from north towns, airfields and at last slay this motherfucker at the north end of the map. make it happen man please
  12. hazedaze

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I want endgame boss someone from bush family, we gotta slay the motherfucker all chernarus gotta come together and kill this giant motherfucker. please make it happen rocket, put a giant member of bush family to center of map to survivors to slay together!
  13. hazedaze

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    fps is low mate. cant you see? thats why its low on every detail.
  14. hazedaze

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    good work but its really late. dayzsa will be replaced with mods of arma3 when It comes out (probably before) so you better keep it like 10bucks if you want to sell. dont get me wrong I've played dayz since 30k players and supported everything but there is a simple law here: It was a miracle about what happened, now it cant be done with calculation no matter how big studio you have or effort you put in it. just release it.
  15. hazedaze

    The death of Jeromy

  16. hazedaze

    How To Record Dayz

    dxtory google it
  17. hazedaze

    Budget pc

    yes that rig is perfect for your expectations but one question: what resolution you will be gaming on? if its 1080p, that 7770 won't cut it but you will be fine if its like 1280x720 or 1600x900 res - with high details in most games. also 2x 500gb hdd is good for raid-0 setup. its cheap yet performance between ssd and hdd. very good.
  18. hazedaze

    Unable to perform certain actions since patch

    yeah spot on you cant fill jerry until you hop on driver seat and select "refuel" ..the it suddenly appears in menu next time you try.
  19. hazedaze

    Budget pc

    hi there I say its nearly impossible to build anything better than laptop with taht budget unfortunately. but instaed of buying new hardware,you can go for used computer parts or computers. look for a p45 motherboard,intel c2quad cpu (any cpu from q9xxx series), ddr2 ram (4gb ideal), hd5850 gpu. you gotta take your time and look for something similar to what I described.ebay, hardware forums, computer shops near at your town etc..if you are lucky enough to find a used system like this, you will be able to play games better than any laptop, and cheap than buying new hardware.
  20. hazedaze

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    this is trolling big time or for real? I couldn't join servers, they keep changing versions and I thought I should look at forums and here it is.. wow! good job
  21. is there any chance these buildings will have basements or ?
  22. NICE NICER NICEST very very lol llol
  23. hazedaze

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    Im sure standalone turn out better than anyones expectations with all those details and polishing but I got only one concern: sound. If any dev reading this: I know you already decided with engine and all that but please if you still have a chance, at least imlement openal ..Im not sure if its an easy process but I bet lots of people enjoy the game more. Even realtek is now have 3d soundback to use hardware sound with win7-8 so please do something about sounds. Lot of ppl will like dayz more if you improve sounds. Even minecraft support hardware sound. Please rocket, you always say minecraft model is the way to go.