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About Marnar

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    On the Coast
  1. I understand this is a Private Hive, but they are constantly abusing their abilities. They have their anti-hacker things and ban anyone else who uses hacks. But they use hacks themselves! They use the admin maps to find players and spot players to let people know where they are and who they are to kill them. I have many many players to back me up on this and they don't care if you donate or not. This constant abuse of admin abilities between using hacks, admin maps to find players and kill them, un-banning team mates who hack and cheat which battle eye bans them for, and killing those who donate to them. People and players such as this ruin the fun of others constantly day to day on ALL servers. Too bad Stand-Alone isn't out yet. This issue would have been dealt with already. IP Server. DayZ XCR1 - |PrivateHive|Fucking Rainbows, Kittens, Unicorns N' Shit|110+Vehicles/Repaired|Starting Gun|Daytime|Donation Perks|( Server owner name on DayZ: Delwig Another Admin/'s: Jim Rustle Stranger Bro