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Tempered Saint

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About Tempered Saint

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  1. Tempered Saint

    A real sniping example.

    You could do that with iron sights and an assault rifle.
  2. Tempered Saint

    Loving the new forum!

    Seems like a bunch of wasted space to me. The old forums were more compact. You could take in more information in less space with less scrolling.
  3. Tempered Saint

    Why the core userbase of this forum sucks.

    The verbal war between the ass kissers, those that feel entitled, and those speaking their opinions has been going on since cave man days. Why do you think an internet forum would be any different than the rest of society and all of history?
  4. Tempered Saint

    Rant in 3...2...1...

    Umm, I've passed up many sniper rifles. I've never fired one in dayz. Unless your only purpose in game is pvp, they are useless. Most assault rifles have plenty of range and better close quarters performance.
  5. Tempered Saint

    Modding DayZ

    Valve did not give out source code BEFORE THEY EVEN FINISHED THE GAME!!!! Strict rules are required during developement to ensure a harmonious experience. How are the developers to know if the bug is theirs or from some server admin jacking around.
  6. How did kids these days get so screwed up?
  7. Tempered Saint

    How the player-built base worked out.

    Noble effort guys. I think a better idea would have been to take over a building and use that as your safe haven. Maybe a fire station or office building. That way you don't need so much barricade and could be in the middle of things where newbies need the help the most. Killing off nearby zombies would give you something to do to make the guard duty more fun.
  8. Tempered Saint

    Class types and skills?

    Putting in classes would certainly cut server load in half. Other than that, I can see no reason to use a class system. In reality, people don't fit into a class. Joe the plumber isn't just a plumber. He can do other things as well. Using myself as an example, there is not many things that I can't fix or have at least a basic knowledge in. Even tasks that I have never actually done, I can usually do well enough to get by with. Back before everyone was hand held all through their lives, people routinely did everything for themselves. It is called self reliance.
  9. Tempered Saint

    My friend runs slower than me?

    I'm just guessing here, but i've seen in other games where you would lose animation frames if your computer sound was set to a high bit rate. You don't really notice the dropped animation frames, but arma may be sensitive to it for run speed. Try going into your computers sound configuration and turning the bit rate down to something like 24 bit 44100 hz.
  10. Tempered Saint

    Is duping officially allowed?

    You could kill and loot people lagged out in the debug forest before they actually spawned in game. Perfectly repeatable, perfectly within the game mechanics. Cheating, hell yes!! There is also a bug that allows for players to run scripts client side. It is perfectly with in the game mechanics of Arma. Is it cheating in dayz? Hell yes!!! It's the same with duping. Just because you can do it does not mean it is not cheating.
  11. Tempered Saint

    Berezino: The New Devil's Playground

    Was murdered there today. I've been going there for a long time to restock, guess I got careless. Some guy or probably group of guys were camping the town killing anyone coming in. I'm guessing they had someone spotting from the apartment roof tops. Quite a few people got killed there before I logged out for the evening.
  12. Tempered Saint

    Broken leg? No morphine? Very good

    I am pretty sure that getting hurt crawling through doorways or by other objects in the world has been an Arma II bug since the game came out. So the fix may have to come from BI. Broken bones on the other hand is probably a percentage chance based on damage amount taken. This should be tuned down.
  13. Maybe a better idea would be to get rid of the mega loot spots and spread the goodies around more. No sense in spawn camping a loot spot with maybe one random item. I never see anyone server hoping from deer stand to deer stand. Or better yet, put the loot on the zeds in those areas so you have to kill them for the loot.
  14. Tempered Saint

    goodbye side chat...i shall miss thee...

    I don't mind side chat, but that damn in game voip has got to go!! Had to listen to some asshole whine over voip for an hour or more the other day. Turned the sound all the way down and could still hear him.