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torama (DayZ)

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About torama (DayZ)

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  1. torama (DayZ)

    blood group

    yes i think
  2. torama (DayZ)

    blood group

    I wish start my character with a RANDOM blood and can die if I make a transfusion mistake
  3. torama (DayZ)

    [Stand Alone] closed House

    I think we should just limit the number of home closable, 6 or 7 in the entire map to avoid problems you say
  4. torama (DayZ)

    [Stand Alone] closed House

    Ability to hide the key in his camp to find the house, after the dead
  5. torama (DayZ)

    [Stand Alone] closed House

    then it would require for the owner of the house create reinforcements on the door (scrap metal, spikes ...)
  6. torama (DayZ)

    [Stand Alone] closed House

    Some homes will be locked. It will be possible to find the key in the zombies around the house or in city/ village. The material can be stored in closets. Barricade the windows with the wood (and hammer) to prevent other players to enter. If the player does not activate his house for a week, house reset and the key disappears from the player's inventory. It's just a idea Sorry for my english.
  7. is to suggest the idea to standalone. I would like to propose for the missions, you can find letters on zombies. She will give places to find unique items. But also scuicide's letters, who request bury the corp. it will give points of hero. Sorry for my english.
  8. torama (DayZ)

    realistic factors and ideas

    It's great idea
  9. France, it's ok? thank you
  10. My name ingame is Lucas i think
  11. it's no good for me because à buy arma ther are 3day
  12. you are french, please explique en français pourquoi on à été banni et comment on sera débanit.< =/ j'ai acheter arma hier quoi.
  13. your problem also happens to me on all the servers which start by FR. Soluce?