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Everything posted by Meeshe

  1. I just reinstalled the mod and yall were the first server I logged into. I really liked it. People were cool I will be back. Thanks.
  2. @IRISHMIKE That looks really promising. I just reinstalled dayz mod and have had some fun with that. Was playing vanilla (jeesh how much that has changed) but want to try epoch just for the base building. I would love SA to have stuff like that and the vid looks like a good start.
  3. I am an unapologetic Frankie fan. Am rewatching his videos right now. I think his earlier episodes are the best because they were mostly just he and Jack playing, even if there was a lot of editing. But, I understand why he does more scripted stuff now. Still fun. I need to try and find some other people to watch, as I have been away from the game for so long and in the dark.
  4. I'd like a little house by a lake. It will be surrounded by barbed wire fencing to keep the infected away. I can then live like a survivor trying to make it another day in the apocalypse. The roleplaying possibilities are endless. DAYZ will be a true survival game then. Of course I'll have to find a server that doesn't have a bunch of 12 year old lunatics bent on destroying everything they see for "LULZ". Meeshe, not a bandit
  5. Meeshe

    Introduce yourselves

    Thanks!!!!! I will look to a high pop servers in just a little bit. I think I need to relearn EVERYTHING first. lol I played on a private server way back when "Balota Buddies". I was quiet and tried to keep out of the way, didn't join a squad or anything, but I loved it. Meeshe, Not a bandit...will help if I can
  6. Meeshe

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello, I used to play DAYZ mod and bought SA when it first came out but haven't played in a long, long time. I read about the new engine, and bored with every other game in existence, I reinstalled SA. Every once in awhile, I get the urge to watch youtube videos (I'm a Frankie fan please don't hate me) but this time I reinstalled the game. It's kind of sad that noone is on the public servers but Ive been having a blast relearning how to play the game. I figure its silly to hold a grudge about the SA fiasco, I loved DAYZ and if the devs get this new engine right, and keep adding new stuff in, I'm hopeful. Just thought I'd say Hi and if you come across me (Meeshe) in game, be nice and don't KOS me. lol Meeshe, Not a bandit...will help you if I can =)
  7. Or troll you, by scaring the hell out of yourself when you accidentally hit the left mouse button, while looking around. wait nvm, I have never experienced something as noobish as that.. :(
  8. Meeshe

    crash 180sec penalty

    This 100x this.
  9. Meeshe

    crash 180sec penalty

    Agreed I didnt say it eliminated the problem but it seems to be helping it. And I did mention He might have to increase the timer. :)
  10. Meeshe

    crash 180sec penalty

    A little inconvienence isnt too much to pay for a world with less combat loggers and server hoppers. Im not sure He hit the sweet spot to stop most of it. Might have to increase the penalty a bit more.
  11. Meeshe

    The game is great but...

    Some peoples like teh sandbox. :P
  12. Meeshe

    How often do you die from glitches?

    Maybe Ive been extremely lucky but I haven't died to the usual mod suspects yet in SA. No ladders or rocks breaking legs, no door deaths. I did fall off the side of a building but thats on me. Have been pleasantly sursprised about it. EDIT...spelling
  13. Meeshe

    Ever did something in dayZ you regret?

    In the mod, I got so mad about KOS kiddies killing my new spawn on the beach, I kind of lost it. Spawned near electro and immediately headed into the city looking for a gun. Found a pistol and looked for payback. Saw a guy scavenging and waited til he came out of a building. Blasted away at him and hit him but didnt put him down. He booked it back into the building and combat logged. I felt like an a-hole and it was the only time I've been glad to see some combat logging. Stop playing for a couple days after that. :blush:
  14. For myself, I've never had a problem finding food and water, but, I almost always head inland and look for small villages and towns. I can count the number of times I've entered Cherno or Electro in SA on one hand. My problem is that I am totally jinxed on weapons in SA. I found a Moisin on the first day of SA but no ammo. I havent seen one since. Its not a big deal as Im a huge fan of the hatchet, but it would be nice to have a weapon for the times I cant avoid the annoying KOS kiddies. My advice, head inland, look for villages and small towns. Keep your eyes open :)
  15. Meeshe

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    AdamUK, honestly, just get used to it and roll with the punches. I know you hate peeps saying it but, ITS AN ALPHA. That means we will get character wipes at anytime. It could be a bug, or a planned wipe for some strange but valid computer game programmer reason, a security fix, or.. oops, another bug. It really isnt somethign to get upset about. Hell, did you play the mod? Im just wondering because you quickly learn that to love your gear and worry about it, is just a recipe for high blood pressure. :P :D
  16. Personally, I'd just like to see a weapon, would use either if I found one. :)
  17. Meeshe

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    Character wipes can happen at any time. Get used to it at least until the game is released in its final version. Don't fall in love with your gear. Oldest, wisest saying in DayZ.
  18. Meeshe

    Ammunition should be extremely rare

    Figure out how to stop server hopping, cool guy, yahoos first please. Everyone else will be without ammo to fight back against these "heroes" (ahem..sarcasm) when they come griefing with the ill gotten 2000 rounds of ammo that they gathered up on a bunch of low pop servers.
  19. Meeshe

    So Dayz made Drudge today

    You really don't want to know. :(
  20. Meeshe

    PSA: Friendly servers make no sense ATM

    LOL, true. my duh moment for the day. :)
  21. Meeshe

    PSA: Friendly servers make no sense ATM

    Only thing is its so easy for these server hoppers to gear up on low pop servers your point is really just self-serving to your arguement. But I agree that the worst thing right now is the rampant server hopping that goes on atm.
  22. Meeshe

    PSA: Friendly servers make no sense ATM

    Choice is never bad. Let people play how they want. yay options! The only thing lost in having an option of PVE servers is the griefers will have to hunt people that are activly hunting them. Not as many bambies to grief. :P IMO, the only way to prevent server hopers.....second in scumy, slimeyness only to griefers, is unique character loadouts on each server. I don't know if thats possible with DayZ server structure though.
  23. Meeshe

    So hi im new to the game!

    YAY! I love these kind of first impression stories. Beans for you. :)
  24. Meeshe

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    I wont give you the satisfaction of handcuffing, and robbing me. There is no penalty for death in the game so I'll play and if need be die how I want to.