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Everything posted by Meeshe

  1. Meeshe

    Can anyone give advice for a noob

    YES,yes,yes,yes,yes. Get a hatchet, kill Zeds quietly. Great info here... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/ Get used to dying, don't fall in love with your equipment, dont kill new spawns on the coast with you big shiny sniper rifle, there's no honor in that. Have fun and when you get tired of hackers, join a whitelisted server with nice/helpful/competent admins.
  2. You must be pretty well set up. I just use whatever I can find, the game makes the choice for me.
  3. Meeshe

    how to play this game

    I dont want to fight with you but honestly why do you care? Most peeps told him the same thing you jsut said but were polite. Others pointed him to threads where he can learn these things. Is there so little civility left in the world?
  4. Nope it shouldn't be opensourced. Its moving beyond mod status and becoming a game. The mod can and should continue to be, well mod-able, but lock down the SA.
  5. Meeshe

    how to play this game

    HIya glad you strated playing this game.. Im going to point you to this thread.... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/ It has A LOT of info on optimizing graphics for your comp, controls and links to good starting info. Also your in the right place, browse the forum and youll find just about everything youll ever need to read for tips and guides and thread discussions on how to play the game. I also play on a laptop, I'll just add that I hope your using a mouse, I cant imagine playing the game using the touchpad. Hope this helps and good luck ingame.
  6. First time logging in and playing game. Start running up the coast learning the controls. Up ahead I see a tent, so I crawl into a bush and watch it for a couple minutes deciding what to do. Out of nowhere 2 guys surround me. A guy in a ghillie and a guy carrying a huge sniper rifle. One guy says, "Hes a noob should we leave him?" I havent even learned how to use direct chat so Im trying to figure it out so I can say Hi. A couple of seconds later........ BAM shot to the head, "YOU ARE DEAD". First life lasted a total of 5 or 6 minutes. Not the best beginning to a day or a game in general but things only got better from there. :)
  7. Meeshe

    Why always Russia

    Just the current administration?
  8. Man thats cold-blooded shit right there. "That bastard" beans for you.
  9. I'll point you to this post. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/ It helped me greatly when I first started playing. Im sorry you had a bad first experience, but take some time to read some of the threads in the post above. It has a ton of good information. Get used to asshats in DayZ. The game is brutal. If you realize that at first you'll avoid a lot of aggravation. One thing Id advise doing is read some posts on this forum. You'll learn a lot, but notice the peeps that give helpful answers and are willing to help others on the forum. Look at their sigs and see if they are advertising for the servers they play on. Thats how I found Balota Buddies. You'll fine a good whitelisted server with a great community that you fit into. I promise. Give DayZ another try, You wont regret it. :)
  10. Meeshe

    Help me find best settings

    try reading this post, it may help you with your FPS issues. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28160-how-to-set-up-your-graphics-properly/ Hope it helps :D
  11. To be honest, I can't believe your losing interest. With the increase of info coming from the dev team, the new ideas being implemented for the SA, and the stress test getting closer, I just keep getting more and more excited for this thing. I might not agree with some of those new ideas, but then we haven't played it so who can really say if it works or not yet. This isn't cleaning up a Mod. This is making a game out of the idea that was put forth by the mod. It takes times. Better its done right, instead of WarZing it up.
  12. Avoid running over Zombies. EDIT...That sounded more harsh than I meant it. It does suck your ATV got overturned.
  13. Meeshe

    My first kill (story)

    Poor Andy, He still offered to help you after hearing gunfire. I would of moved on and left you to the Zeds. He is most likely a bit less trusting, maybe thats not such a bad thing.
  14. Meeshe

    Any Fairly Populated Servers?

    Hey Baldilocks what server you thinking of playing? If its US46 Hope to see ya on, but you cant go wrong with any of the Balota Buddies servers. :D
  15. Meeshe

    Hackers are not the enemy!

    Karma is a bitch. J/K...kind of :P But really. funny story those damn rocks!
  16. Meeshe

    Worth me starting?

    Let me use this example. Late December I was wondering the same thing. Should I buy or should I wait. I decided that I'd get it even though I assumed the alpha release was jsut around the corner. Ive been playing since then and HAVING A BLAST! If I had waited.....I'd still be waiting. Do what you want and what you can afford. Buying Arma2 and playing the mod will give you a ton of entertainment while you wait for SA. My opinion, they will be 2 different games.
  17. Meeshe


    I am not a pro or that experienced yet but my advice...Run the hell out of cherno. Find a barn or industrial building. Find Hatchet. Now you can kill Zeds quietly. Go from there.. Survive. :)
  18. So true, reminds me to scan the treeline carefully. :ph34r:
  19. I was lucky enough to find BalotaBuddies my first week of playing the game. you might try it there. If you get whitelisted and play on US46, give me a holler, if you dont try to kill me maybe we can share a can of Beans. :D
  20. Meeshe

    Alpha Test Livestreams

    I think hes talking about the internal company testing. The closed architecture/stress test with the Youtube streamers has yet to start. When it does this forum will have 100 threads about who is streaming and all that info. So your in the right place for when it all goes down.
  21. Meeshe

    hey its gamersdream

    Hi! Don't shoot first and ask if I'm friendly later then you and I will do just fine. :lol:
  22. Meeshe

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    Lived in Colorado Springs for awhile. I kind of like to think the infection started there and the government nuked it immediately. Virus still spread but at least C.S. is a big hole in the ground. :P
  23. I just want to thank you for typing that up Smasht_AU. Wow Rocket, just wow.... Ive been playing video games since the commodore 64. I have never been this excited for a game, ever. Keep doing what your doing Rocket. This one is going to be special. Lastly, Is anyone getting really excited about finding other peoples tales (books, notes, and such)? As a guy who read every little book in the Baldurs Gate games, I am just amped about this. Will start a diary on day one of playing. The immersion of stopping and reading someone else's life story is going to be incredible.
  24. Meeshe

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    I've said this in other threads and I'll say it again. Portland, Oregon. One mountain close with a ski resort. Rivers with bridges to cross (beware of the snipers). Many small towns as suburbs. Forests around and in the city proper. A dock with shipping, A crazy graveyard on a hillside. A ton of good stuff. I-5 highway running through the city. There are so many stripclubs there so if thats your thing..... Zombie strippers :blink: If Rocket is not thinking about an American city, my inner 28 Days Later fan would love to see London.
  25. Meeshe

    Will you shoot me in my Ghillie?

    I wouldn't shoot unless I felt I couldnt get out of your way. I usually assume people are going to shoot at me, but a person in a Ghillie.... yea I worry about it even more. SausageKingofChicago, you get my beans for a great sig pic :)