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Everything posted by Meeshe

  1. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    I agree you can find swamps where you say they are, but, wetlands are quite common in many places, following the beach/sand dunes along a shore. hey, the moore you know... :)
  2. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Seeing quite a few books scattered throughout the vid. I wonder if they are just window dressing or if they will be individual items. Is that how we will be getting infodumps on the infection and resulting aftermath? Will I walk into a building, see a book and find the journal of a newly dead survivor? I know the ability to write journals/notes/etc have been talked about, and will probably be put in game farther down the production road but just wonder if we saw a peek at how that will be implemented. EDIT... spelling errors
  3. Remember that you'll still be able to play Arma2 and DayZ mod. The SA and mod will become more and more different as each keep evolving most likely so You'll have 3 games for the price of 2 :D
  4. HAHAHAHA Many thanks :thumbsup:
  5. Meeshe

    More ways to gather food and water

    I would love to see fishing in the game. I know not at first but later on when Rocket and team can start adding features to the base game. It would bring more food options, more equipment to gather, and more play options for the sandbox. I know its cheesy but I was one of those nerds that liked fishing in WoW, would like to see it here.
  6. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    YES, yes, 1000 times yes! That was the only thing I dislike about 1st person PoV
  7. I havent seen the monitor yet. Does it have a FPS meter on it? Sorry to kind of hijack thread but your question did get answered so please forgive me.
  8. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Seriously? I mean, I can't even.....Yes, I'm betting your the only one who feels that way.
  9. O.K. I know its not original and terribly cliche but please, please can you make a twinkie model.
  10. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Nope, not at all. Don't want to think about all the diseases that could be waiting in there though.
  11. Those look great. I especially like the beat up looking, rusted cans. Just my opinion but I'd hope they add the same amount of health as the pristine looking ones. I mean they are sealed so... One thing I think it would be cool to come across an opened container and have to make a choice...Do I risk it and eat the opened can or pass it by. That and your suggestion about maybe peeps being able to sabotage opened cans get a :thumbsup: from me.
  12. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    LOL of this I have little doubt... maybe people will take pity, "Oh look theres Phooey again, muttering to himself, and always looking for that next can of beans."
  13. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    When Rocket, or was it Matt, said they had created more wrecked vehicles and that it affords them the opportunity to put loot in them. My OCD alarm started going off like crazy. I'll never be able to get out of the first city. Oh is there any loot over there? Hey how about there... oh maybe here... /sigh :blink: Great vid guys, this keeps getting better and better.
  14. Learn something new every day. Thanks.
  15. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    About 6 minutes in Matt says to Rocket, ...yea we should spawn some clothes in. I new it, now we have proof. They are HACKER! :P I loved the new interiors, looking good guys. Can't wait :D
  16. My Alice Pack got nerfed? Four less slots available? NO.......KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN!
  17. Meeshe

    How do tell who is a bandit?

    If they shoot at you... Bandit If you try and communicate with them and no response... Bandit Assume everyone is a bandit and act accordingly, If their actions say otherwise... MAYBE not a Bandit Be careful. Let them prove they aren't a bandit before you give them your trust.
  18. Saw some new names on the server this evening. A busy server takes the paranoia factor up 100x for me. Lots of fun tonight. Glad ya'll joined up. :) :thumbsup:
  19. AMERICA(n B.B. Server).... FUck Ya!
  20. Theres a great thread that can get you started. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/ Also I've found DayZWiki to be helpful as I'm pretty damn new myself. My generic advice I have used in other threads: Find a hatchet...quickly. It kills Zeds quietly. Once you find a super duper sniper rifle with "see a fly on the wall at 1200M" scope. Dont use it on new spawns on the beach. Dont go running into a town without scouting it for a few minutes. Always keep your eyes open and stick to the trees as much as possible. Find a whitelisted server to avoid hackers. Have fun, don't be a douche. :)
  21. Thumbs up to B.B. US server :thumbsup:
  22. Every time someone whines about people offering up a SUGGESTION on a suggestion sub forum, a puppy gets kicked. Don't make a puppy get kicked. >:(
  23. Meeshe

    Can anyone give advice for a noob

    You might try Balota Buddies. Great group of peeps with servers for AU, UK, and US, with different maps and setups. Website is here and you can get started on the whitelist process http://balotabuddies.net/index.php? Mix of heroes and bandits and new player friendly.
  24. Meeshe

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    No one knows for sure but Rocket has stated that if you can run the mod, you'll be able to run the SA. They are improving performance but we don't know how much of that optimization will be used up with new features/visuals/yada yada yada. There is going to be a new dev update on Monday. I wonder what He'll be telling us.