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Everything posted by Meeshe

  1. Grats on your first post! :) Don't fall in love with your stuff.... I find that a hard thing to do myself, but as someone else told me when I first started playing, "you'll enjoy the game so much more if you don't". If you go everywhere in game, thinking your being watched and acting as if everyone is using low graphics settings, that wouldn't be a bad idea. Have fun :thumbsup:
  2. Meeshe

    Monetization Of Stand Alone

    I hate microtransactions and I'm glad Rocket and BI arent going that or the pay to win route, but, I don't think the DLC business model is a bad thing for SA. I'm not talking about items, clothing, yadayadayada. I mean for additional maps in the future. Say in a year or so, the SA is done. Its a finished game and all of those that hadn't bought in early and been playing get it. They work on another kickass map, put a lot of effort in it and charge 5$ - 10$ for it 6 months or a year later. I'd be fine with that. As long as they don't go the WoW subscription model. Support the game after release, and if you create maps and charge a reasonable price for them, I'll be throwing money at BI.
  3. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    To be fair, I didn't see any of the houses at an angle where we see the front of the house where the door will be. Also look at the sheds, in the mod they dont have doors that can be opened thus they aren't enterable, In the new screenies, they have open doors! I know its silly to be excited about that but theres 2 more examples of more structures being open to explore in the SA.
  4. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    Can't wait to hear more about the crafting system. Most MMO's crafting is so boring. Would like to see how BI works it. Modifying your vehicles sounds cool. I can't wait to turn that beat up old compact into an armored death machine :D Hope we can run around the area scavenging parts for stuff to help survive in the Zombie apocalypse. I mean like getting a generator working so u can hook it up to some scavenged flood lights to illuminate the area immediately around your survival camp. Or scrounging a factory for some metal poles and with a tarp create a water catch for when it rains. Or hell find parts to create a still. Let you be the Absolut of the Zombie apocalypse. The possibilities are endless, will be great to see what ya'll come up with.
  5. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    That would be quite the family bonding moment right there.
  6. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    Survivors vs. Bandits on the soccer field. Team Zed gets to eat the losers?
  7. I could try and speak in a bad Russian accent on TS.
  8. Meeshe

    server for the over 30`s

    mature =/= over 30 years of age I've met many old asshats and as many young ladies and gentlemen.
  9. Meeshe

    Newbie Here!

    Don't get attached to your stuff. I find that to be a hard rule to remember sometimes. :(
  10. Meeshe

    DayZ Scenario: Would You Kill or Help

    Since I just spawned and have crap for loot I might help, nothing lost really. If I was totally equipped I wouldnt be near the city anyway so wouldn't have to worry about it. :)
  11. Meeshe

    DayZ Standalone Challenge.

    Been drinking this evening? :P J/K I'll keep an eye out for you in the treeline.
  12. Meeshe

    Need help with FPS (GTX 680M)

    Is 30-45 not playable for you? Just wondering. I have close to the same laptop. gtx660m, I-7 3610qm (2.3 turbo boost 3.3). I get 20-30+ fps and while its not the greatest it doesnt bother me too badly. Also how hot does your CPU get? I have to turn turbo boost off because my laptop gets toasty with it on so I don't get the 3.3 turbo boost benefit, (though thats only about 5 fps difference when its on).I think I'll have to take it apart and check thermal paste, but am hesitant as I've never done that before. You said you did the .config change. I'm guessing the =1, not =0 on the 2 GPU lines. How much did it help your dps? I'm not seeing anything other than a couple fps difference. Have you turned shadows completely off? That can help fps. Also have you tried vert sync actually on? I've read and it happens for me that I actually get a bit better fps with it on. I totally dont understand why but it happens. It helped with tearing to, I dont know why I was getting tearing as Im not getting near 60 fps but I do :( Not trying to hijack your thread, I just figured similiar experiences and questions asked might lead to a solution. :) EDIT...have you tried setting priority higher in processes in windows task manager?
  13. Meeshe


    Just curious, what server are u playing on?
  14. Legit players go to whitelisted servers.
  15. Meeshe

    Graphic settings.

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28160-how-to-set-up-your-graphics-properly/ Give this thread a read. Great advice on how to properly set up your graphics for optimal performance.
  16. Meeshe

    What is so fun about this game

    Nope, not even close to truth. You can play DayZ for 30 minutes and have an amazing experience You can play a marathon session easily. For example, last week, I was raiding the supermarket in Zelenogorsk. Snuck in evading Zeds. Found a dead body in the market and while in there a car drives up. I'm making decisions on what to do if they advance on the supermarket, planning an escape route, etc.. They turn around and drive around a building. I take off, working my way out of the city. and into the forest. It was a successful raid, I had a lot of fun, and a scary moment. All in 30 minutes. Just be sure not to Combat Log... ;)
  17. Meeshe

    DayZ SA: One Key One Character

    I like the idea but think it might be easier, since in DayZ a lot of peeps play on many different servers, that it be 1 unique name per server. I know that it doesn't solve a lot of issues but at least on THAT server, your actions have consequences and reputation can be a factor. Really anything that promotes accountability for your actions is a good thing IMO
  18. Spawn me in with a bandage, flashlight, and 1 box of painkillers. I dislike servers where you log in and have a full ALICE pack, food, meds, grenade launcher, mini-nuke, Klingon battlecruiser...... I mean, isn't that really just multiplayer arma2 deathmatch, with Zombie cheerleaders?
  19. Meeshe

    Stockpiled weapons

    Except, Military style weapons are quite easy to get already. It really doesn't take long, even if your unlucky with loot spawns, to find an assault rifle. Besides, whats the point of the game then? PvP? Take 10 minutes, run to base grab an arsenal of weapons then go at it...... No thanks. Honestly, I think super pew-pew death guns should be more difficult to find. Finding a M-14 should be a "holy crap!" moment. Don't get me wrong, I like a ton of different weapons ingame. Its fun, but the last thing the game needs is the numbers of each weapon inflated more than they already are.
  20. Q: How are zombie spawns going to work? A: We're probably going to spawn all zombies + loot at the start of the mission on the server to decrease lagspikes and to remove the spawning issues we had. This also allows the potential for the whole "roving zombie" crap people keep harping on to me about (seriously, I get facebooked every day with this one request). Q: Doesn't that mean all zombies will eventually be killed? A: The zombies respawn, but it's done at a server level, not client like previously (which was a nightmare). http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/118209-dayzgame-qa-with-rocket-on-reddit-jan-2013/ So it looks like you needn't worry. :) Also correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the Zeds start heading back into the city after chasing you and you lose them? I'm pretty sure anytime I've taken off out of a city with Zeds chasing me, after I lose them they turn around and head back the way we came from, generally. Don't they?
  21. Meeshe

    Just got the mod

    Dont get frustrated. You'll die a lot at first as you learn the game, controls, etc. Use this forum tons of good info on here. Search out the good threads. This is a really good starting point http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/ DayZWiki had a ton of good basic info I used when I started playing. Dont look at the maps though. Its not cheating but you rob yourself of a lot of the exploring aspect of the game. DOnt trust anyone until they have given you the reason to trust them. Personally I say be a survivor not a bandit, but thats jsut me. Please dont be that asshat that kills new defenseless Spawns on the coast. That is a griefer not a true bandit. Have fun, :)
  22. Meeshe

    opinions on specs

    Quick answer.. Yep those are computer parts.
  23. Meeshe

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    This might be best idea I've heard in a long time. It would be abso-freaking-lutely amazing to explore a prison island. This must happen...... Edit...weird sentence change