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Everything posted by Meeshe

  1. Meeshe

    need help, is Day z worth it???

    This is good advice. Also, how could you of not known that the SA was being developed? If you knew enough to get arma2, dl the mod and find this forum, then Im astounded you spent for arma2 if $$ was going to be a problem. Knowledge is power.
  2. Meeshe

    Don't mind my rage

    In the Zombie apocolypse, fear the hills. >:(
  3. Meeshe

    map in 4 pieces is nonsense thing

    I don't really use the map so don't pick them up, but, I can see how it would be annoying to someone needing to use them. Theres making people make decisions and prioritize storage space. Then theres having pieces of maps. Its not like DayZ doesnt have a crap ton of things to make you think about storage.
  4. Or someone got there before you did and picked it clean. :) EDIT...spelling
  5. Meeshe

    MMO = Monthly Fee?

    Many MMOs dont have a monthly fee now a days.
  6. MAn I love having the plastic water bottles in game. Military canteens everywhere didnt feel right. Running around with 5 old water bottles in my pack just screams surviving in a bad situation. Now thats not to say canteens are a bad thing though. Just glad they arent the only thing to carry water around in.
  7. Meeshe

    Does any one else feel burnt out already?

    I quit playing the mod months ago just for this very reason, didnt want to be burnt out on DayZ just as the alpha was coming out. Loving SA so far. :D :thumbsup:
  8. Meeshe

    Merry Christmas

    Happy Holidays! :D
  9. Meeshe

    Does everyone prefer the Mosin?

    Only gun I have found is the mosin, no ammo though lol. Personally I prefer an axe. :)
  10. But I had just found some water purification tabs...damn you hackers! Keep up teh good work Rocket.
  11. I wore one the first day til I got bored with it. I prefer sunglasses and knit cap.
  12. Meeshe

    Can I die from rotten fruit?

    I ate a rotten orange. Got sick, died. Yea,won't be eating rotten fruit any longer.
  13. Meeshe

    What Have YOU Found

    Coolest thing I've found so far was the Rocket aviator sunglasses. :D Of course I then go eat a spoiled orange because I was dying of hunger, get sick, cant find any water and die. Had the glasses for all of an hour and a half, but was rocking the look for a time. EDIT... Oh and a book 'The Call of Cthulhu' I didnt pick it up because ya know Im in a Zombie apocolypse, I got my own horrors to deal with.
  14. Meeshe

    When can we expect vehicles to in the game?

    Hopefully not for a very long time. :)
  15. Had a guy try and sneak up on me with a knife. Beat him to death with a baseball bat. Was satisfying but would rather He tried talking to me. Also had a couple guys I actually stumbled onto,warn me to back off. i happily complied, thanked them for not being trigger happy and went on my way.
  16. Shorter day/night cycles, OR servers set to their timezone. Also wouldn't mind a minimal Hud display. I just don't think it takes away much, if anything, from immersion.
  17. Meeshe

    What DayZ Truly Needs

    ugh! That might be the straw that broke the camels back and make me go KOS :P
  18. Meeshe

    Temporary solution to lack of HUD info

    Excellent I think this was needed. Grats Alpha launch Rocket, keep up the good work.
  19. They arent selling a zombie game, they are selling an alpha of a zombie survival game. big difference imo.
  20. Meeshe

    Things i think need changing in the standalone

    Proudly sporting one of the new PINK backpacks. Im not an Spec-ops Rambo. I'm a survivor in a Zombie apocolypse, I'll use whatever I find to stay alive.
  21. Hi guys, want to start helping bug report, either by filing a report or upvoting problems I'm seeing that have already been reported but I seem to be having a problem logging into the bug report portion of the website. I log in fine for the regular forums, obviously as Im typing this ATM, but no go when I get to the bug report log in screen. Anyone else having a problem logging in there? Thanks for the help.
  22. Meeshe

    Want to help bug report, but...

    I didnt think about that. Thank you, I'll try it. Much appreciated. :D
  23. Meeshe

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I'll trade you the writing pen I found for it. I feel naked without hatchet in this game. :)
  24. Meeshe

    You feel thirsty... FFFFFFF

    I took a drink from a pond earlier without a canteen. Its doable. Now, I dont know if its advisable LOL with all the diseases that are going to be in the game. but ....
  25. Meeshe

    Is it worth it ATM?

    If you realize that its an alpha, and your playing an unfinished, buggy game with almost constant changes being made through (hopefully) daily patches, then by all means get it. I played a couple hours and enjoyed seeing some of the new stuff. Just know what your buying. :)