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Everything posted by Meeshe

  1. OK yea, thank you, I did say it was a dumb question lol :blush: Just wanted to be sure.
  2. Sorry to derail this thread but Fraggle what does the unlabeled can of beans signify. Still pretty new to the forums so sorry for dumb question. :rolleyes:
  3. This...IS....DAYZ :P careful youll get skewered alive making that misslip. click the hide unofficial box in dayzcommander it filters the non hive servers out.
  4. Meeshe

    Is it worth starting now?

    Buy it and use DayZ Commander. I had a few probs getting it to run my first night but nothing like the horror stories I read about and feared. We dont know exactly when the SA will be out so if 30$ wont put you out too badly, get it. When the SA comes out the mod and SA will start differing more and more with each patch so really youll have 2 games to play,the SA version and the player driven mod. Will be interesting to see how each of them evolve. IMO :D
  5. Meeshe

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    There's a closed stress test upcoming that is invite only. Most peeps believe that the SA is only a month or so away from reality. It will be available on Steam. There are a lot of threads here talking about it so you've already found the best place to learn about the SA in my opinion :) . http://dayzdev.tumblr.com is a great place to get up info directly from the developers.. Glad you found this game, I jsut started playing myself in anticipation of the SA and am loving it.
  6. Meeshe

    Long text error when spawning in

    Just hit continue. I get it to, never had a problem after hitting continue.
  7. Hi all, bought the Arma 2: CO from steam yesterday and downloaded last night. DayZ Commander didnt want to DL the DayZ mod but after uninstalling and then installing again, but this time remembering to disable virus protection, got that to work. BattlEye decided it didnt want to intialize so spent 30 minutes dealing with that. So sadly most of tonights gametime was eaten up by problems. BUT.... Get everything ready and pick a server and log in......waiting, waiting......SUCCESS! I spawn in on the beach near a highway, with a group of buildings off to my right in the distance. The game really is a beauty, Im going to need to play with the settings some to get it just right but wow so far im impressed. After standing there for a bit i feel foolish for being out in the open gawking so I start heading up the beach towards the city (?). Im trying to hop from bush to bush but I bet every sniper around was shaking his/her head in embarrassment for me. I go a bit and Oh wow what is that? I go prone and crawl to the nearest shrub. Theres a tent under a tree! Woot, I bet there will be loads of stuff in there. But reading the forums I wait a few to check surroundings before moving in. I move up, crawling closer and out of nowhere, 2 guys are surrounding me. Mr. Ghillie suit and Mr. Sniper Rifle with a big ol scope and silencer. I dont move a muscle franticly trying to figure out what channel to type "FRIENDLY DONT SHOOT" Damn I really should hooked my up headphones and mic. One guy says, "looks like a newbie, should we let him go?" A couple seconds go by, I start to think "yea I might get out of this". Pow, one shot to the head. My first life lastest 5 or 6 minutes. I respawn in again with no buildings and nothing of interest in sight. I head straight for the hills, over some train tracks, across a field where i feel like sitting duck and into the trees. I followed the treeline for awhile and man i hate when your guy slows down going up a hill. Im getting the hang of movement and looking around so I feel bold and head down out of the trees to a little village. Four or five houses, and a big metallic shed/building. Im feeling like rambo as I crawl the last way into the town. I had to avoid a couple Zeds by hiding in bushes after i aggro'd them (it felt cheap to do so, i admit) There were tons of Zeds in the village and while there I saw one guy run straight down the middle of the road, a whole buch of Zeds in tow. I heard what I thought was flies buzzing but could never find a body, but considering i was crawling most of the time its no wonder. Only thing that bummed me out was none of the buildings were enterable so I got no loot, and was starting to get thirsty, the indicator was red. So Im starting to get worried. I hear a sound of a heli in the distance and start looking around for it. It starts coming for the village. Its not a huey its soviet made I can tell that much. Looks like an attack chopper but dont know the designations. Hes hovering aways off and starts shooting. Im hiding in a bush, thats starting to make me sound like a coward /grrr, and I swear like 4 or 5 death messages show up on side chat. The tension was incredible. Im sitting there playing a video game and Im afraid to move a muscle hiding from the heli massacre. The heli moved off and I start making my way towards the large metal building, I pick up some Zeds so I have to run and get a lot of them on me... ZOMBIE TRAIN. I got in the building and it had a stair leading up to a walkway around the inside of the building with a little room upstairs nothing in there to be found, im upstairs and theres only one entrance, but for some reason the zeds didnt enter, so I hang out there a bit and decide what to do. A few moments later a guy comes in there, hes got a rifle and the Zeds followed him in. He killed a few, but didnt have enough ammo for them that started coming in, so he headed up the stairs. He saw me on the walkway and was a good guy, offered to help me get out of there. Follow me he said, pulling out a revolver. Me, pulling what is probably the dumbest move ever in the history of the mod, vaulted over the railing and break my leg. Ill give the guy credit, he tried to kill zeds, bandage me from the bleeding and give me morphine(?) to heal the leg so i could run out of there. I died. So if your the guy that tried to help a total Bambi just a bit earlier, THANK YOU. I promise to pay it forward when I learn to play. Wow, should of started playing this a long time ago. I had a lot of fun and forsee a lot of DayZ in my future. Thanks for letting me tell my story. B)
  8. Meeshe

    My First DayZ experience

    Yea sounds similar, except your friend wasnt a complete dummy like me, breaking his leg. I just hope the guy that tried to help me didnt die in there. I would love to have seen your pile of Zeds, that must of been epic. Thank you for the advice, I certainly will take it to heart, I dont ever want to be caught up there on the walkway again. Finding my first hatchet will be a moment of triumph haha Its funny I didnt get a whole lot accomplished my first time out, but I had a couple moments where I felt "pro". Watching the guy run down the street right past me and not knowing I was watching him, and keeping an eye on the Heli, while staying unnoticed and out of the line of fire, made me feel like I did a couple things right. Then of course the whole rest of the time was Fail but man was it fun.
  9. Hong Kong PHOOEY!! one badass, martial arts knowing, cartoon dog. Im not a martial artist, or a cartoon dog... I wanted Phooey in my first MMO, Anarchy Online, but it wouldnt let me use that so Ive used in game names Phooey or Jubbal ever since. Jubbal with the second b added comes from Jubal Harshaw. One of my favorite literary characters of all time.
  10. Hi all, bought Arma 2: CO today and am downloading now off of steam. Ive decided to use DayZ commander since it seems the easiest way to install DayZ and find servers, and all. Steam has 3 things to download: Arma 2, Arma 2 OA, and Arma 2 beta. I thought DayZ commander found and DL'd all the beta stuff so Im wondering..should I download and install the beta from steam or let DayZ commander take care of it? If I DL the beta will it mess with DayZ commander and its installation? Sorry if this is a really dumb question but Im a little confused as to what to do, since I wasnt expecting the Arma 2 beta software from steam. Thanks, I cannot wait to start playing :)
  11. Meeshe

    DayZ Commander and Steam

    Good to know everything will work, downloading the steam beta or not. Find a way to screw up an installation and Ill find it, the hard way. Knowing the steam beta plays nice with DayZ commander is a relief Thanks all.
  12. Meeshe

    DayZ Standalone Suggestions

    I like the idea of radios with frequency channels that could be used and intercepted by those the message was not intended for. Its a great idea. And of course golf clubs.... there HAS to be golf clubs imo
  13. Meeshe

    DayZ Commander and Steam

    @ smasht_AU Thank You, Ill just bypass the steam install and let DayZ commander take care of it all. I appreciate the answer. Hopefully tomorrow sometime I can enthrall you all with the tale of my first steps into the zombie apocalypse. :D Thanks again.
  14. You get my beans, I thought the same thing haha :D
  15. Meeshe

    Should i play now?

    I just bought it about 2 hours ago and am DLing it as I type this. Heres the way I look / justify it. We hope that the internal stress test wont take very long but with everything else in life problems can occur. If the SA encounters some problems that need to be addressed before it can released Ive got DayZ mod to tide me over. I can also "learn the ropes" and not be totally in the dark when the SA goes live. Lastly, the mod and SA arent exactly the same and the differences should only get larger as the SA gets worked on and the Mod keeps getting "modded" Anyway thats how I talked myself into buying Arma II: OA and not waiting for SA. It wasnt a tough sell :rolleyes:
  16. 1. resist temptation to buy arma II on Steam, play some Civ 5 to pass time... 2. resist temptation to buy Arma II on Steam, get bored of Civ 5 .. 3. resist tempt.... Ah screw it, buy Arma II on steam...., The standalone will of course comes out the next day :D EDIT... spelling
  17. After buying and installing, 1. Spawn, look around and admire the view (havent played the mod, considering buying it, but still holding out hope that the closed test wont take very long) 2. If I havent been killed while standing there like a dummy, try to figure out how to move. 3. Say "hello" to the first person I see ingame, probably get shot in the head. respawn and learn how to play the game :lol:
  18. The more options in clothing to wear the better. I want to change my clothes to match my mood. Feeling like a groovy survivor, got to grab the birkenstocks. Put on the suit and tie so that when someone snipes me, Ill make a good looking corpse.
  19. Meeshe

    What is a "Bambi" in DayZ?

    I first heard that term watching Frankie. I actually like it better than Noob /shrug. Only problem I have is since i first heard it being used by Frankie its not just Bambi, its Bambi done in a British accent.
  20. HAHA nice story. Revenge is sweet.
  21. Meeshe

    What To Do When You See A Player

    Drop pants and gangnam style? Although have to wait for SA to be able to drop pants.
  22. LMAO. Cant wait to see that myself ingame. :lol:
  23. @Botelho31 Ah I see. Maybe Im not understanding the release but i thought when we get the first release of SA we arent really playing a finished game. We are in fact playtesters. All those bug fixes will be because we played the game and found them. There will be many builds added onto the SA as time goes on and in a year or so there will be a finished game that BI can sell as a finished/polished product. We get the pleasure of playing the game even though its unfinished and in doing so help BI in a some small way finish it. Thanks for the response, I wonder why you laughed at the zeds getting faster. Do you think they are fast enough? I ask because I havent played yet and wonder your opinion as too what the Zeds are like and how you want them to be.
  24. Why? Sorry if Im being nosy but was just wondering what you found disappointing in the interview. Idle curiosity :D
  25. Meeshe

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    Yea, ok, maybe I overstated that a bit. It seems, in most of the vids of the mod, that the Zeds are really just a nuisance and the focus is kill or be killed by another player. That could just be the vids Ive watched i admit. Matt talking about the improved Zed AI was great and I was really just fishing for more info or forum posters ideas of what they could be adding to the survival aspect of the game. I was also kind of asking, for other's ideas or info they had heard about, how the SA was going to incentivize not shooting first and asking questions later behavior..ie like how you need another person to give you a blood infusion. I liked your question in the interview because you were asking about the PvE aspects of the game, I just wanted more info. Im still basking in the warm glow of information overload from yesterdays Tumblr, forum post, and Dev interview but being greedy I wanted more. Thanks again